Wednesday, February 28, 2018

lights, action, no camera

Saw a great performance tonight

     I went with Emily and John to see Cabaret at the Paramount Theatre in Aurora.
     It was a nice evening.  We had dinner at a little lounge a block away, fish and chips.  The chips were a little cold, but the fish was great!!
Food.... always on my mind.
     The Paramount is a neat old theater that has been renovated.  There are several shows a year plus various other acts, like comedians, musicians and what have yous.  Nice venue.
     And because it is a theater, they can do some pretty amazing things with scenery, like fly it up and out of the way.
     Anyway, Cabaret is there for a  couple more weeks.  If you want a neat theater experience, head to Aurora.
     I asked one of the volunteers who long she had been there.  Only a year.  So I asked another volunteer, and she said 20 years.  I was curious because I have a friend from the zoo who volunteers at a theater.  And while I thought she volunteered at the Rialto, for some reason I thought I was wrong about that.
     So I asked this nice lady if she knew a volunteer named Donna.  (Yes, I used her last name.  No, I did not forget it.)  She paused for a second or two and said the name wasn't familiar, but then there are 250 volunteers and while she might not know the name, she could know the face.
     250.  That too was pretty cool.
     That's all.  Time to take my theater critic/restaurant critic hat off and go to bed.
     Thanks John and Emily for dragging me along.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

odds and ends

Consider this an olio

     On the way home from church Sunday I saw a van going down 38 with a Christmas tree tied to the roof.  A real, well, actually dead, tree.  It confused me.
     On my way out the door to get to church I looked for Corki, who was out in the back.  I could not find her.  I went down the steps, and around the corner and there she was.....half of her body in a hole, the other half sticking out of the ground with the tail wagging happily.
     I picked her up and she was full of mud.  So I carried her into the house, straight for the shower, took off my clothes and washed her.  I toweled her off as best I could, but she was still wet when I left.  Jackie was staying home and kept her inside until she was completely dry.  And yes, I did put pants on before I went out.
     I saw Black Panther today in 3-D.  That was pretty cool.  I admit I did have some issues following the story, possibly because I did not know anything about the Black Panther before watching the movie.
     Dark Side of the Moon is 50 years old.  Now, that makes me feel ancient.
     I don't know how to delete e mails from my phone despite having been shown at least 3 times.  I do not know how I got e mails.  212.  I think I did something wrong.
     I need to start gathering my thoughts.
     Someone wants new lamps for the bedroom.  I want them to be made in the USA.  I think it will be a while before we find something agreeable and affordable.
     My hair seems extra shiny and soft.  Plus, I don't itch as much.  Note to self:  Put dog shampoo away after using.  Or not.
     That's it.
     Goodnight and peace out.

Monday, February 26, 2018

real life

Just feeling a bit off today

     I have been doing cardiac rehab since Thanksgiving.  Well, actually I finished two weeks ago, but I have continued exercising three days a week since then.
     I got on the scale today and weighed myself.
     Surprise!!  I weigh the exact weight as when I started.
     Three days a week I am doing 25 minutes of walking, 25 minutes on a stationary bike, 13 minutes on a rower, and weights.  Three days a week!  Not a stinking pound is gone.
     It was suggested I just write down everything I eat during the day.  That will take a couple of sheets of paper.
     For example, I had breakfast.  Fine.  Lunch.  Ok.
     Then I had a couple of bits of chocolate.  Then a Girl Scout cookie.  (By the way, the S'mores are very good.  Don't tell Jackie I have them...she does not know about that box.)
     Then a cup of tea and a couple of graham crackers and another chunk of chocolate. 
     Dinner.  Then a couple of glasses of wine, (what the hell is social drinking anyway?)  And a Girl Scout cookie.  And a couple of chunks of chocolate.  And a couple of graham crackers.
     Notice what is missing?  Fruits...nada.  Self control....long gone.
     I eat when I am sad, anxious, nervous, angry, edgy, bored, of which is me about 99 percent of the time.
     I am positive if I can cut down on the snacking, especially the cookies and chocolate, I might be able to shed a pound or two.
     I just need the right motivation.......and self control.  Or at least restraint.
     I'll keep exercising, at least for the next month or so.  Maybe I'll see some improvement.
     Now, it's time for a bedtime snack.........

Sunday, February 25, 2018

and now, nothing

I am a sentimentalist at heart

     Or a hoarder, not sure which.
     But I hate it when things I like end.  Like  Friends, or Cheers, or Frazier, the 2016 World Series, a milkshake made with real ice cream.  And the Olympics.
     When the flame went out tonight, I felt a tug in my heart.  No, it was not a medical issue, just a sentimental thing.
     For the past two weeks Jackie and I have watched a lot of downhill skiing, curling, sledding events of all kinds, snowboarding, ski jumping.... and I will miss the games. 
    I will even miss Tara and Johnny talking about the skaters....even though I did not watch a lot of the figure skating, I saw enough to really start enjoying the commentators.
     I also think I have a little issue with time and the passage of it.  I will be 70 in May, and when the next winter games are on, I will be nearly 74.  That's old.
     And don't tell me 70 is the new 50, it's not.  It's 70.
     I wish I was personal friends with some of the Olympians I seem to know.  It would be great to sit down and have a coffee with them and have them tell about their Olympic experience.
     I can't imagine working for a quarter of my life to earn a chance to compete in the games and then not win a medal.  Knowing I will hopefully have another chance in four years would help, but for some of these people this was it.
     I think it was Lindsey Vonn who said the worst place to finish in the games is fourth, or fifth.  I can understand why; you'd have this "if only" moment that may haunt you forever.
     Anyway, the games are over.  They are all champions in my eyes.
     Peace and love to all.....

Saturday, February 24, 2018

not again

I said hello to a former student today

     Let's just assume I called him by his right name.
     But if you take u and m out of assume, what's left?
     I have a problem with facial recognition.  That was obvious.
     A bunch of us went to see Second City at the Egyptian in DeKalb.
     It was a funny show and brought back fond memories of our Exit 99 shows.
     Five or four of us, depending on the year, would do an improv comedy show.      I thought we were  very funny,  But I just enjoyed being on stage with the folks and hanging around with them.
     I do miss it. 
    Hopefully we can get together and do a show again, soon. 
    I liked laughing's always a good feeling.
    Cry and you cry alone.  Laugh, and the world wonders what is wrong with you.
    Peace and love to all.

Friday, February 23, 2018

rational thinking??

I'm thinking of promoting a new type of zoo

     I don't know if it is a false zoo, or anti zoo.....but I know the animals I will have.
     Instead of penguins, I would have rangefreeguins.  Keeping guins in cages just does not seem right.
     No bison in my zoo.  But I would have unison, because I believe all animals should be united.
     Unknottediger instead of tigers....self explanatory.
     Finding the unseen African wild dogs would be tricky, because the spotted ones are easily spotted.
     Randoms......aquatic animals without a porpoise.
     Bidenillas because if Al Gore can have illas named after him, why not Joe?  (Gorillas?  Get it???  Pretty darn funny, huh?)
     Purpleutangs because orangutans are so 70s.
     Legadillos, similar to armadillos but named correctly because armadillos don't actually have arms.
     Sleet leopards because of climate change, snow doesn't seem to be as common.
     Fully dresses......finally uses clothing to get rid of bears.
     Truthins.  The opposite of lions.
     E=MC2 a scientific version of an EMU.
     And Okapi?  Why not a 1kapi or a 2kapi....why 0?
     Of course, there would also be a oleofly display.
     If you have any animals to submit to my zoo, please do so.  I hope to open in 2033.
     Peace to all

Thursday, February 22, 2018

cursed, I tell you

I honestly think I am cursed

     I went to watch some American skaters in the finals....and both fell.  One had not fallen in a year, but fell twice in these Olympics...both times when I was watching. In addition to the two Americans, I watched a Canadian skater and she fell.
     So I leave the room and the next skaters are flawless.
     This is not the first time I have noticed my curse.
    Cubs have bases loaded, I leave whatever I am doing to watch and double play, or triple play, or something to end the inning.
    Sitting on my lawnmower, they score.
    Every time I watch the Bulls they blow shots and look terrible.  But then again, they have been terrible when I don't watch them to, so maybe that is not a good example.
     And I watched the Bears this year to see exactly how they were going to screw up, so no curse there. 
     I go to a play and the usually reliable actors forget lines, fall off the stage or fall asleep while awaiting their next cue.  Ok, they don't fall asleep.  Or fall off the stage.  But I have seen them forget lines and mis cues.
    It seems to happen so many times.  I missed the eclipses and meteor showers because of clouds.
    I miss amazing sales because the paper didn't come.
    Maybe it isn't a curse, just bad timing.
    But it just gets frustrating to always be on the wrong end of the game.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

progress, our most important product

I am almost finished with my puzzle

     However, almost is not finished.  I am at least two thirds done, if not more.
     But I can't find two pieces and it is killing me, figuratively, of course.
     One piece is of water and a it has to be blue.  Another piece goes between two trees, so there has to be green.
     I have looked and looked and looked......just can't see them.
     I know they are there.  But they are hidden from my view.
     I have checked the floor, under the puzzle, in the box...nada, zip.
     Hopefully by tomorrow the puzzle fairy will  bring them out in the open.
     I enjoy working on it, really.  I take a coffee downstairs, put on the Beatles, and spend 90 minutes working on the puzzle, looking out the window, singing along with the Fab Four.
      I do compensate for the time.  I have not played Spider Solitaire since Sunday.
     There is a reason.
     I played Sunday afternoon.  Then I played Sunday evening.  Then I played Sunday night.....for almost 2 hours.  I think I am addicted.
    But I am breaking that.....three days and counting.
     I just hope I don't get hooked on puzzles.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

oh, really

I believe everything on the Internet

     What could be the greatest invention in communication ever would never stoop to having information that was false, or misleading.
     That's why I believe the story about the man coming to Earth from 6,000 years in the future.  He has a picture to prove it.
     Of course, I did not look at the picture because I do not need proof, reading the headline is good enough.
     When in journalism school, I read a story in the National Enquirer with the headline "Man shot six times in head and lives."  The story started by saying the seventh bullet killed him.  So, the headline was true.
     I did not read the full story of the man from 6,000 years in the future.  But I know what he said, because I too am from the future....150 years, to be exact.
     Among the highlights:
     The Cubs will win the next 108 World Series to make up for all the losing seasons.
     The Bears will win the Supper Bowl in 2019.  Unfortunately, they will not be good enough to play in the Super Bowl, which does not feature eating unlimited pasta at a cheap Eyetalian restaurant.
     Illinois will be redeveloped as a prairie after the last resident moves out in 2050.  Unfortunately, he does not turn out the lights and Com Ed sends him a $1.2 billion bill.
     Electric cars dominate the nation's roadways in 2030.  Their success was made possible by the major petroleum companies purchase of every electric company in North America.
     Tom Brady leads the Patriots to a 73-2 win in the 2110 Super Bowl, becoming the oldest player to ever throw 10 touchdowns in a single game.
     Illinois roads finally get improved to drivable state, unfortunately this does not happen until 2118, well after the last permanent resident leaves.
     Thousands of Wisconsin and Indiana residents will starve in Illinois in the year 2030 after driving hundreds of miles for the best pizza and getting confused because they thought GPS readings meant Great Pizza Stops.  Most ended up  lost and confused in Forgottonia.   (OK, you might want to Google Forgottonia.)
     In 2110 Congress finally decided to ban private ownership of nuclear weapons, prompting an outpouring of dissent from people vowing to give up their nukes only when they were pried from their slightly pinkish seven fingered hands.
     That's my experience from the future.
      I know you will believe everything I wrote because it is on the Internet.
     And don't forget....the Earth is flat, man never walked on the moon, 911 was an inside job, and unicorns and zombies do exist.
     Say Good Night, Gracie.

Monday, February 19, 2018

hmmm....a plan

I may have a chance to be an Olympian

     There is an American skier competing on the Hungarian half pipe team.
     She qualified for the Olympics by competing in half pipe world cup competitions.  All she had to do was finish in the top 30 in a certain number of events each year.  Her best performance came when she finished 13th.....out of 15.
     Most of the events she entered has less than 30 competitors, so she automatically made the top 30.
     Although she lives in the US, her grand parents are from Hungary, so she competed for that country.
     At first I thought this was pretty sneaky.  I still think so.
     But I read an article about her and her reasoning seemed pretty simple:  She did it to inspire young people everywhere that it is never to lake to pursue a goal.  She started skiing the half pipe at age 25....she is now 33.
     She does a flip during her performance.  Other skiers are doing double and triple somersaults in the air.  She does one flip.
     But she did not fall, and that's pretty impressive.
     Now I' m there a sport that few people compete in, and a sport I can do?
     Then all I have to do for the next four years is travel the world and enter as many qualifying events as possible.
     I may have to start an on line fund drive to help me pay for all the flights, hotels, wine, equipment, lessons, medical care, wine, and any miscellaneous expenses, like wine.
     The more I think about it, the more excited I get!
     Imagine....Terry Dickow....Olympian.
     That would be cool.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

curling, skating and jumps, oh my!!

I hope you are watching the Olympics

     No, not 24 hours a day, although I think you could.  But as often as you can.
     Watching the bobsledders today, a two man team from Germany flipped part way down the course and finished the race upside down!  They hunkered down in the sled and rode out the race, uninjured, and very happy they survived.  These sledders go 70 or 80 miles an hour!  Amazing.
     Same with the downhill skiers.  I think the women are a stronger bunch for the US this year.  I hope Lindsey and Makaela bring home some gold.  It is not an easy sport and I admire the courage and skill they display.
     I love watching the skiers go's beautiful, and  I wish I had the chance to learn how to do that when I was younger.  But Chicago isn't an ideal place to learn to ski....and Rochelle isn't much better.
     If you have not watched, you are running out of time.
     Now for our own roller coaster event:  weather.  Cold, warm, rain, thunder, snow, cold, warm..........should be an interesting few days.

Saturday, February 17, 2018


This was just a strange day

     I was up early, for one.  I don't get up early.  I like to sleep late.
     But I didn't go to bed until 1:15 or now I am tired.
     Plus, I just felt off today....tired, achy, a tummy probably filled with too much cheese fondue and wine.
     So I spent most of the day watching the Olympics.  I can only see one or two sports I would  be brave enough to try.....curling and cross country.
     Skeleton?  Flying down an ice covered track head first, on your stomach, on what looks like a little plastic kids' sled?  No thanks.
     Luge?  Like the skeleton, only you are laying down feet first on your back.
     Or the downhill guys going 60 and 70 miles an hour on the slalom course?      How about the snowboarders doing the half pipe?
     I could do curling.  I would have to have a glass of wine between ends, (no that is not a physical reference) but that would be ok.
    And I have cross country skied in the past, although not at the rates and distances these good folks do.
    But I am good at sitting on the couch and watching tv.
    Too bad I can't earn a medal for that!!
    Go Lindsey and Ted and Nick and Gus!!!!  And women's hockey!!
     Bring home the gold!!

Friday, February 16, 2018


I am glad spring training camps opened this week

     Time to put my head back in the sand.  This world is just tooo insane.
     Please make the madness go away.
     I want to be a 10 year old kid again, in a world where guns were not everywhere, where kids were safe in a school, where worshippers were safe in a church.
     We have to do better.
      We have to do better.
        We have to do better.
     For the future.  For us.  For our children.
     The time is now.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

well, a job done

I finally finished a four month project

     I changed the battery in my Honda key fob.
     It started about 4 months ago when I noticed my fob was intermittently locking and unlocking the doors.  So I bought a CR1616 battery.
     I took the fob apart, and could not figure out where the battery went, so I put it back together again.
     It got worse and worse.  This week, it no longer would open the door, I had to use the key.
     So I went on YouTube and searched for changing a key fob battery.  I watched it, paid close attention, then decided to make the change.
    That was three days ago.
     I took the fob apart and went to get the battery, which I know I put on the shelf with the drinking glasses.
     It wasn't there, but I did find a CR 2032, which has to go somewhere.
     Next I looked in our highly organized kitchen drawer.
    Jackie came out and stared.  "What the hell are you doing?"  But it was too late.  By then everything was out of the drawer.  No battery.
     However it did help with my resolution of cleaning one drawer or shelf a week.
    Next I looked in my sock drawer.
    Not there, but I did manage to toss out some old socks and a couple of the free ones you get in the hospital as a reward for successfully surviving a colonoscopy.  Personally, I would have preferred a lollipop.
     And again, I cleaned out another drawer as part of my resolution. 
     By then I was tired.
     I went to the store today and found a battery.  Incidentally, the huge box store with the smiley face does not carry them, but the corner drug store had them.
     In a sense of deja vu, I bought the battery, rewatched the YouTube video, changed my battery and now the fob works.
    I impressed myself.
     By the way, the video I watched was 8 minutes of a guy changing the battery.  He could have done it in two.  The best part was when he found an extra piece of plastic and said, "I don't know where it came from but I'm not going to worry about it."
     The kitchen drawer is a typical junk's why.

I don't know what the yellow this is or does....looks like a plug.  Not sure about the black doohickeys either.  One of the car tags is for the Civic I got rid of in 2013.

How many bags can I possibly clip?  And we have enough corn holders for a large party!!

9025 has a zebra code on the opposite side.....The handiwipes come with carryouts, which might explain my weight.  And Shout?  I spill, but never use it.

Life's mysteries, eh?

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

no words....again

  I am just stunned

We are the greatest country in the world, yet our children are not safe.
They are not safe at home, on the streets, or in school.
Something is wrong with us, as a people.
We worship guns.  We idolize guns.  We love guns.
And we forget that guns have one kill.
They weren't invented to practice shooting at targets.  They were invented to kill.
Yet we treat them like they are toys.
On second thought, toys are better regulated.
Cars have to be registered, drivers have to be licensed.  In Indiana all you need is an id to buy weapons. And it doesn't even have to be an Indiana id.
It's time we confront the thousands of annual deaths caused by firearms and treat firearms for what they are:  agents of death.
I don't know how some people sleep at night, knowing they have contributed to allowing the single largest killer of school children in our country to continue operating as a loosely regulated industry.
It's time to change.
Something is wrong with us. 

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

who am I

I may have an identity crisis

     And it's not my fault.
     Several years ago we joined AARP.  That is, Terry Dickow and Jackie Dickow joined.
     Simple enough.
     I don't know when stuff started showing up addressed to Terry Dickow IV.
     I assume that is for The Fourth.  I guarantee you there is only one Terry Dickow, although it does add a bit of distinction.
     "Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce Terry Dickow The Fourth?"
     Then I thought since it is AARP, IV may be a reference to my future hospital needs.  Maybe it's a secret directive for hospitals to only give me an IV and not a suppository.
     So I just ignored it.
     Time goes on.  Soon I started getting mail for Terry Dickow and Terry Dickow IV.
     Then one day I get mail for Terry Dickson and Jackie Dickson.
     We get 2 newspapers, one for Dickow IV, one for Dickson, but none for just plain Dickow.
     Today I finally called because I don't know if we renewed our membership.     We got membership renewals for Dickow, Dickow IV, and Dickson.     Somewhere along the line Jackie lost track of who we were.
     I talked to a very nice lady who looked us up and discovered we had two accounts, one for Dickow IV and one for Dickson.  And our dues were paid until 2021.  We were surprised at that bit of news.
     Now we have one, and there is no fourth involved.
     When I worked for the newspaper, I frequently got phone calls and mail for Jerry Dickler.  Some of the old newspaper crowd still call me Jerry, just for laughs.
     I hope.
     At one time I fantasized about getting a new identity.  I thought if I got a copy of a birth certificate of someone my age who died an infant, I could use that to get a driver's license, then social security, then a passport.......maybe I would have been Terry Dickson.  Or Jerry Dickler.
     And then again, maybe I did and I am.
     Who really knows?

Monday, February 12, 2018


I may be one piece short

     I am talking about my new puzzle.  I am looking for two pieces, and I can't seem to find matches.
     I looked for color, content, shape.....but nothing fits. 
     In addition I have two pieces that don't seem to fit anywhere.
     Seems like my life is a puzzle, sometimes I fit, sometimes I don't fit.
     I have a puzzle routine.
     I make a cup of instant coffee, grab a cookie, and head to the basement.
     I put on 3 Beatles CDs and then I stare at the puzzle.  Sometimes I find pieces that fit.  Other times I get frustrated.
     After the 3 CDs, I head upstairs.
     I always feel a little more relaxed, despite the frustration.
     I used to use a book in class called Jacob Two Two Meets the Hooded Fang.
     If I remember, one of the evil characters in the book worked in a puzzle factory where his job was to remove one piece of the puzzle and substitute a piece from a different puzzle.
     Maybe that is what's happened to me.
     Or, my inability to distinguish faces also applies to puzzles.
     Time will tell.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

snow fun

I took a couple of hikes in the park this weekend

     I put on my snowshoes on Saturday and clomped off into the park.  That did not go as well as I thought it would.
     So Sunday, with another four or five inches of fresh snow, I opted to take a walk without the snowshoes.
     I tell you, my legs got tired.  I found myself walking a little and stopping a lot.
     By the time I got home, my shirt was soaked with sweat!  My hair was wet from sweating and I was bone weary.  My legs still hurt.
     But it was a great day to be out.  I even met one other walker out there and two horse riders when I was leaving the park.
     I bet I sleep well tonight, despite the short nap right before dinner.
     I may have mentioned my paranoia in the past.  Getting up to check doors and windows, having every noise spook me and prevent me from falling asleep.
     On Saturday we had a security system installed.  Jackie thinks I am crazy.
But I did  sleep better.
     Anyway, some pictures from my walks.

Brought to you by the letter P

I was not alone

Saturday, February 10, 2018

solid gold

I love watching the Olympics

     While the opening ceremony was high tech and pyrotechnical, the individual events feature some amazing stories.
     The American figure skater from Carpentersville who a few years ago had broken vertebrae and after recovering, broke more.  Now, at age 20, she is skating in the Olympics.
     The young female speed skater whose father is from Kenya but they live in New Jersey, whose enthusiasm and excitement at being at the games was a delight to watch.
     The 17 year old from Colorado who won a gold doing amazing spins, flips and turns on a snowboard.
     The brother and sister skating team who have been skating together for 20 years, now hoping to win a spot on the medals stand.
     Even the commercials....Toyota and Comcast especially....are much better than Super Bowl ads.
     At one time I had an offer to go to the games in Salt Lake.  I hesitated, and finally said no.  Big mistake.  Julia went to the games in Turin Italy in 06 and I still wear the shirt she bought me.
     I love the winter games, much more than the summer ones.  I don't know why.
    I can't wait for the down hill ski events so I can root for Lindsey and Mikaela and cheer on the luge and skeleton riders and yell for the bobsledders.
     As a bonus, I can watch the crowds for a former student working at the Olympic village.  What a great experience that has to be!
     Someday I would love to ride a sled down a hill....not at the speeds they go, but slowly down a hill.  I had thought last year I would do that, but nature did not cooperate.
     It won't be an Olympics run, but I can still imagine.
     Embrace the winter.

Friday, February 9, 2018


I had an interesting day

     Not good, not bad, just interesting.
     After I cleared the driveway, I had lunch.  I ate a terrible lunch.  Julia bought some Steak Ums and did not eat them.  So today I fried a couple, then made a grilled cheese sandwich with the Steak Ums in it.
     It was too heavy and too greasy.  It was not a meal someone like me should eat.
     Nine hours later, I am still tasting it.
     Next I helped Jackie make some broccoli cheddar soup.  I cleaned up the kitchen and decided to go for a walk in the woods.
     I bundled up and strapped on my snowshoes and took off.
     40 minutes later I was in the woods with a terrible back ache.  I could barely move.  Did I mention I was in the woods?
     Now, I could call someone, but it would do no good because there is no way to drive a car or anything in to pick me up.
     It was a struggle to get back, no pun intended.
     I walked to the road and took off the snowshoes and slowly walked home.
     Jackie must have been worried because she called but I could not answer the phone with my hands full, gloves on, and the phone in a zippered pocket so I would not lose it.  By the time I got it out, I was almost standing in front of the driveway.
     By then I had been gone 90 minutes, although it felt like four hours.
     I sprawled out on the bed for half an hour, took some ibuprofen,  then went into the shower and let the hot water hit my back.
     Seriously, I have never had pain like that before.
     And I hope I never have it again.
     My spirits were restored by watching the Olympics.  The opening ceremony was pretty cool, especially when the drones formed a snowboarder and then morphed into the Olympic rings.
     And Imagine?  Gotta love it.
     But my favorite part was the brief interview of the USA speed skater, who laughed and danced and giggled because she was in the Olympics and marching in with Team USA.  Her happiness and joy was truly amazing to watch.  I hope she wins a medal.
     Anyway, another day in the books.
     Peace out, dudes and dudettes.

Thursday, February 8, 2018


My vocabulary seems to be shrinking

     "What" is my most often used word, followed by "where is" and its corollary,       "Have you seen my...."  "Sorry" comes up a lot too.
     Example:  Mostly true conversation.

She:  Do we still have some Rum Chatta left?
Me:  What?
She:  Rum Chatta.  Do we still have some?
Me:   Yes, do you want some?
She:   Yes.  And could you get me a cookie too?
Me.   Sure.  Give me a sec.

30 minutes later, this conversation takes place.

She:  Are you bringing me some Rum Chatta?
Me:    What?
She:  Rum Chatta.  You said you would bring me some.
Me:   Oh, yeah.  Sorry.

     It's not like I don't hear her, but I don't hear her.  There is a difference, and every married guy reading that will be nodding his head.
    And I get distracted.  Facebook, fake news, spider solitaire, letting the dog out, letting the dog in.....all of those distract me from the conversation and the task.
     I need to just get up right then and do it. 
     In my defense, I also do it to myself.
     I make lunch, sit down, and don't have a drink.  I get a drink, and forget some other needed item.
     I write stuff down when I go to the store, then lose the note.
    And today, I had 3 different commitments.  In between one and two, I went home and changed clothes.  I realized after leaving commitment 2 I did not have my cell phone.  I found out while leaving commitment 3 I actually did have my cell phone in the pocket of my sweatshirt.
     Now, I had 7 pockets on my coat that I checked, and four pockets on my pants.  But I could not find my phone.  If I hadn't been looking for the grocery list, I never would have found it.  Since it was on silent, it would have been a tough search.
     And shopping without a list?  That is always a challenge. 
    Today it worked out, but the next time will be a different story.
    Sleep tight, shovel light
      enjoy the restful day tomorrow

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Rated XXX!!!

I got leid today

    By 3 women!!!  At the same time!!!!
    For some reason, when patients complete their cardiac rehab program at the local hospital, they get presented with a very colorful lei.
    It was my turn today, and I enjoyed it.
    I started this program sometime before Thanksgiving.  Three days a week I use a treadmill, stationary bike, rowing machine and some weights.
    The result?  I started the program at 204 pounds and when I weighed in today I was......204 pounds.  But I lost two inches around my middle, so that counts.
     Hopefully this jump starts me into maintaining a regular exercise regime.  I hope to go three days a week, but my guess is I won't go Friday......there could be a lot of snow on the ground by then.
     And I want to stress how wonderful the folks at the hospital have been....supportive, encouraging, and full of laughter.
     I finished the old bottle of apple brandy last night.  It must be more powerful than I realize, which may explain why I was sweeping up a broken wine glass at 10:30 last night.  After sweeping, I wiped the floor with wet paper towels and then ran the vacuum over it, hoping to get all the little pieces.
     No one got glass in their feet today, so I must have been successful.
     And tonight for supper I used the microwave to heat up stew.  Unfortunately, I blew up a couple of pieces of beef and a potato.  Twice. I  had one hell of a mess in the microwave.
     Now I am just enjoying a hot chocolate ( with a little Rum Chatta) before going to bed.  And I don't intend to drop the cup.
     Stay safe my friends.....snow is on the way.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

slippin and a slidin

Winter driving can be tricky

     There have been some massive accidents on the's almost like people don't know how to drive in snow and ice.  45 cars in one accident, 70 in another, 50 in another.....holy cow.  People need to slow down.
     I was waiting to turn off my street today when a car went to turn onto my street and started to skid .... right toward me!  Luckily, they stopped before creaming my car.
     I purposely avoided going to the zoo in January because the uncertain weather.  I am due back Friday, and the forecast is calling for some accumulating snow.  Go figure.
     I was really sad to hear about the death of John Mahoney.  The veteran character actor was most famous for this role as Martin Crane on Frasier.  The obit in the Tribune today talked about how he started late in the acting field and got his break because he was in his 40s.!  Steppenwolf Theater was just starting and all the members were in their 20s.  They needed someone who could be an adult, and had spotted Mahoney in an acting class.
     The rest is theater history.
     I didn't know why he would not appear in Frasier reunions.....but his philosophy was to look ahead, not back.
     I always thought he would be a great person to sit down and have a glass of wine with.  Pat Hughes, radio voice of the Chicago Cubs, is also on that list as is Al Gore, Ellen Degeneres, Tom Skilling, Paula Poundstone, and Michelle and Barack, to name a few.
     I know that will never happen with any of them, and that's OK.
Sometimes I wonder who would like to have a glass of wine with me...before it's too late.
     Speaking of too late.  The apple brandy I mentioned last night has a rebate offer attached.  It expires in December 2016.  I think is has aged well.

Monday, February 5, 2018


On occasion, I do something stupid

     I put in some LED bulbs in the den light today.  That should be a relatively simple task, but 25 minutes later I was finally finishing.
     The fixture has two pull strings running down from the middle, one for the fan and one for the light
     I have to disconnect the extensions in order to slide the base off.  My fingers don't work as well as they used to, and it was an effort to unsnap the little buggers.
     After I got the globe off, I discovered the lamp has small base bulbs.  Luckily, by accident I bought some small base bulbs that Jackie did not like, so into the light they went.
     Then I had to hold the cover, feed the two pull strings down trough the appropriate holes and slide the base on.  That was a challenge.  It took a while, but I finally got it done.
     I get frustrated.  Jackie asked if she could help and I said, sure, climb up on the stool and hold these little chains.  Needless to say, I worked alone.
     I got finished and turned on the light.  Nothing.  Nada.  Not a glimmer.
    You guessed it...I pulled the light chain in the process turning it off.  Once I pulled the chain again, there was light.
     (Hence giving credence to the expression:  You are yanking my chain!)
     Tonight I have a sore throat.  So I went to mix a hot toddy, but I don't have any whiskey.
     I do have a bottle of apple brandy, however.
     I do not know why I have a bottle of apple brandy.  I do not know when, or where, it came from.  I had a glass.  It certainly has a bit of a kick to it.
     I just hope alcohol doesn't go bad...... but it is making me very tired and my throat seems to not be so, maybe another glass?
     Until morning, when I have to clear the driveway, peace out.  And please excuse any grammar mistakes tonight.  My head is a little fuzzy.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

super bowl???

That was a pretty darn good Super Bowl 

     I think I watched most of it.
     I got a little bored with the half time show, up until the tribute to Prince.  Was Timberlake actually singing?  Sometimes it seemed like the words were coming out but his lips were not moving.  And all those people with instruments....I don't think they were playing them either.
     The weirdest part was when he went up into the crowd and had a kid in the stands take a selfie.  Either the kid in the stands was really cool about it, or clueless, because he didn't seem to have much of a reaction.  Maybe he was just overwhelmed.
     I've been reading comments on Facebook about the commercials.  I did not see all the ones that caused oohs or boos.
     But I tell you, I can't stand Verizon, U.S. Cellular, or Turbo Tax commercials.  They just annoy the snot out of me.
     And I love the car commercials where the announcer talks about the beauty of the outdoors while the auto drives through a pristine waterway, fouling the clean waters with dirt and drops of oil and grease from the car.  If you like the outdoors, then don't ruin it by polluting the water.
     My favorite commercial was the Beckham, Manning NFL commercial where they danced.  It was funny and unexpected.
     And I love every commercial for the Olympics....honestly I can't wait to see the opening ceremony, downhill skiing, luge, bobsledding and curling.  Yes, curling.  A sport even I could take part in, if I could walk on ice and sweep for 5 minutes.
     And the game itself?  It was super.  We were wondering how Brady could pull it out with less than a minute to play......turns out, even Tom runs out of magic sometime.
     I didn't watch much pregame, but saw Pink sing the National Anthem and Lesli Odom was amazing with America the Beautiful.  But my favorite part of that performance was a young man in the back row of the choir....I don't think his grin could have been any bigger.
     Now, it's all over but the discussions.  Catch or no catch, in the end zone or out, Wendy's or McDonald's.
     And that's a good point to stop.
     Say good night, Gracie.

Saturday, February 3, 2018


We went to a fund raising gala tonight

     The annual From the Heart event was held tonight, and Jackie and I went.
     This event raises money for 8 agencies that serve Rochelle area residents.      Tickets are pricey, and there is an auction and various raffles throughout the night.
     In the past I have bought two Ernie Banks items, some baskets, and had a fun time with the silent auction.
     But tonight was a little different.  I looked at all the sports memorabilia and I want it at this point in life?
     Now, that isn't meant as a geez I am going to die soon type comment, but a fact of life.  I have too much stuff.
     So I was talking to a friend and when she asked if I was buying any of the sports stuff, I said,  "I am at the point in life where if I can't drink it or eat it, I don't need it."
     And then the items I bid on went to higher bidders, because I am also fairly cheap.
     I almost went back on that idea when the autographed Willson Contreras jersey was auctioned, and again when the Kyle Hendricks shirt was sold.  But I didn't even nibble.
     There may come a day when I regret that, but I don't think it will be anytime soon.
    And who year they may have another Ernie Banks item.  I'd bid on that.  While I have too much stuff, there is never enough Ernie to go around.

Friday, February 2, 2018

's no kidding

I believe winter is about to start

     I did have a bit of a scare though.  I looked at the forecast for Monday and it said 18-24.......but that is the temp, not snow.  I can relax.
    I may have set a personal record for this winter.
    I have misplaced two knit Chicago Bears hats.  I had a plain blue knit hat.  That has gone.
     I was reduced to buying another hat last week.
    Today I was in a grocery store in DeKalb and my hat was in the cart.  I paid for the groceries, put the bags in the cart, walked a ways and figured I did not need the cart and picked up the bags.
     I went about 50 feet to the door and realized I did not have my hat.
So I walked back......the cart was already gone!  I did not see a hat anywhere, asked at the service desk and the check out lane  but no one had turned one in.
     So tell me this:  I have had the Bear's hats for several years.  I had the plain blue hat for several years.  How in one year did I lose all three?  And now the fourth!  And it hasn't even been a bad winter!!
     Luckily I still have my really warm Swiss hats....I may need that this weekend!
     I know I do have to get up early tomorrow and go the the eye doctor.....Jackie's glasses fell apart on her way to bed.  The screw is gone and I can't find it, although I did notice a large amount of dog hairs on the floors I cleaned this morning.
     At least when I venture out into the flurries my head will be warm.
     One last item:

     What the heck is going on here?
     I may know the answer, but can't confirm it yet.
     Tell me what you think!
     Now I gotta go write a couple of memos.

Thursday, February 1, 2018


I am a bit sad tonight

     One of Emily and John's dogs has a massive tumor.  It was discovered today and will be removed tomorrow.
     This is Amelia, the galgo rescued from a miserable life in Spain.
     Hoping all goes well with the surgery.  Amelia is really a sweet, laid back girl who always seems to stand next to me when I am over there.
     I had a regular check up today with a people doc, and I seem to have gained weight.  I am up 6 pounds since last July.
     Cookies, cakes, chocolates......they all carry a price.
     Nothing else on my mind....cold and waiting for some snow.
     Sleep tight.
     Peace out dudes and dudettes.