Wednesday, January 31, 2018

I taut I saw

I may have seen part of the eclipse today

     I got up and went outside at 6:30.  The moon was low in the western sky, and I could see just a crescent of it at the bottom.  Then it disappeared.  I don't know if the clouds finished the job or what.
     I wish I had gotten up earlier.  I have seen lots of pictures on line and it looked like a neat event.
     There will be another one in 26 years or so, which means the odds of me     seeing it are slim to almost none. 
     Like the eclipse, life seems to have gone by too quickly.  Sometimes hidden in clouds, life seems to have a funny way of passing you, and grabbing you, pulling  you kicking and screaming down the road of .... , well, life.
     To all you youngin's out there....don't let life pass you by.  Grab it, hold on to it as if it's a piece of Portillo's chocolate cake.  Take huge bites, and enjoy it, every last crumb.
     There are not enough eclipses in life that you can just ignore them.
     Now, I'm dragging my creaking old body to bed, hoping for a good night's sleep.
     Peace out.  Spread joy in the world. 

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

3 in one

I am going to try to see the moon tomorrow

     I understand the best time to see the super, blue, blood  moon is around 6:30.       That is in the a.m.
     I will get up.
    This is what I will see:
     Clouds.  Rain.   Fog.   Snow.  Blizzard like conditions.
     Damn the forecast, it does not matter.
     I just don't have any luck when it comes to celestial events.
    Now, Celestial Seasonings tea is another story.  I love so many of those....I used to have a shelf in the pantry with nothing but CS teas.  But I realized I may have been over-ambitious in my use of coupons, so now I have way less in the line of caffeine free teas.
     But I digress.
     (And no, I am not a paid spokesperson for Celestial Seasonings, although if anyone connected with them happens to read this I am a little low on Mandarin Orange Spice.  And the Sleepytime Honey.   And Sleepytime Mint.  The apple cinnamon is always good too.)
     I have to get up early for exercise class.  (Beth, don't laugh.  I actually have lost .5 of a pound.  That is one half.  1/2.  8 oz.  Progress is slow when you have a food addiction.)
     Might as well get out the binoculars and see if I can see any big moons out there.
     Sleep tight my friends, knowing that the state of the union is the greatest it has ever been.  Pardon me while I clap for me.

Monday, January 29, 2018

just starting, maybe

I opened one of my Christmas presents today

     And so far, it is driving me  nuts!

     I have a systematic approach.  I spread all the pieces out on a table and then play music.
     I sort through the pieces, looking for ones with straight edges.  I figure those are the sides, right?
     Well, the top of the puzzle is not going together.  I have 6 pieces with straight edges, but only 5 fit....and the missing space is not the one I have left.   Somewhere along the top I have put pieces together incorrectly, but I have looked and looked and looked to no avail.
     Puzzles are hard for me.  I have a short attention span.  I am not organized.  I give up quickly.  I get frustrated.
     I put together a Wrigley Field puzzle last year and actually figured out how to glue it and frame it.
     Funny story.
    The puzzle is 16 x 20, so I bought a 16 x 20 frame that loads from the front.  The problem is, the puzzle thickness is more than a photo, so I can't put the glass back on the puzzle.
     So I bought a second frame, at a price somewhere near $20, but it back loads and the puzzle fits.
     I think I wanted proof that I finished it.
     Now I just need a 16 x 20 photo for the $6 frame.....that will cost a fortune.
    Anyway, just a couple of other pictures that are semi related to this bit of drivel.

     Yes, sometimes my mind is in a fog, like this irrigator.
     Stay well, dudes and dudettes.

Sunday, January 28, 2018


Sometimes I just have to laugh

     We have an interim minister in the church we attend.  He is likeable, personable, funny, and gives very good and animated sermons.
     He is constantly making eye contact with people in front of him, behind him and beside him.
     Which is where I was today, just sitting a little behind him on his right.
     We had our annual meeting at church before the service.  There was a breakfast with eggs, bacon, sausage, fresh fruit, sausage, little pastries, and did I mention sausage?
     The seven deadly sins was the sermon topic.  As a refresher he started listing them and when he hit gluttony, he looked straight at me!
     Had he seen me gobbling up sausages like a crazed man?  Did he notice the multiple trips to the bacon tray?  Were the crumbs of the little cherry danishes still on my chin?  Was it coincidence?
      I froze in place.  It must have been 15 minutes before everyone looked away.
     Then the horror set what point does lust come up?  Will I be held up as the poster child for that?
     After the service, I just casually asked if he was referring to my ample girth when discussing gluttony, or just my several trips to the bacon and sausage trays.
     We laughed about it  because I know it was not intentional.  I also thanked him for ignoring me on lust.
     There are ministers that I never would have said that too, because they would take me seriously, but Rev. Ed is pretty darn unique.  Too bad he is only our interim.
     Peace out dudes and dudettes....sleep well and prepare to shovel in the morning!
     (Note:  I am not saying you will have to.  Just saying prepare to.)

Saturday, January 27, 2018


I swear I am dyslexic

     I helped at a speech meet today.  I was supposed to be in room 301 at 11:30.  So at 11:15 I settle in the room and ask for critique sheets.
     After getting them, I look at my list and realize I am supposed to be in room 344.
     I apologize, give back the sheets and leave.
     I get into the hallway and look to double check......and I am supposed to be in room 344 at 12:30.
     I was in the right room, but was looking at the wrong sheet.
     I went back into the room and apologized, asking for the sheets again.
     I have done that a couple of times at speech tournaments.  If I am supposed to be in 321, I go to 312. 
     The only time I seem to be right is when it is 101 or 222.
    And it is pretty darn eye opening when you are sitting in a room filled with people who you realize could be one quarter your age!  I could be their great grandpa in some cases!!  Or at least grand dad.
     One of the funniest lines I heard today:  a boy said, "I have literally been standing here for 30 seconds....and yes, I timed it."
     I thought it was funny.
     A bar owner in New York City has posted a sign that says anyone using the word literally will be thrown out.  He is tired of people using it incorrectly, so he literally plans to toss them!  Figuratively speaking, I bet he has said that a million times.
     And the best news of the day....garbage men came before 7 and picked up the garbage I did not put out yesterday because they said they were a day late but came on time.
     All's well that doesn't smell.
     Peace and love, dudes and dudettes!

Friday, January 26, 2018

drat, missed it?

I got confused on the garbage thing today

     Our recycling day is every other Thursday.  Our garbage pickup is every Friday.
     I usually mark my calendar so I remember recycling....but I forgot to on the new calendar.
     So when I woke up Thursday, I today recycling or was it last week?  My bins are not particularly it could be either one.
     I did the sensible thing:  I called the collectors.
     They assured me Thursday was recycling day, BUT, with the icy conditions they were running a day behind, so recycling would be Friday and garbage Saturday.
     The recycling guys never come until late morning, so I am always safe taking it out in the a.m.  And since the garbage was coming Saturday, no need to take out the trash Thursday night.
     I heard the truck coming down the street in the morning, but I wasn't dressed.
They picked up the  garbage.
     I hurried, got dressed, loaded all the garbage in the trunk of the car and drove to Emily's, planning to drop the garbage off there.  It took me a little longer than it should, because I dropped a bag in the kitchen and had to clean that up first.
     This was all on my way to cardiac rehab, of which I only have 5 sessions left, but that is another story.
      Got to Emily and John's and .... their garbage is already picked up too.
     So I drove to the hospital with three bags of stinking garbage in my trunk.  I figured it was cool, how bad could it be?
     After rehab I got in the car and almost gagged.  It was that bad.  I drove home with the windows open and the heater on high.
     I called the disposal people and they again said they were running a day behind and even though they picked up today, they were also going to pick up on Saturday, she thought.
     It's out tonight.  We'll see what happens next.
     I have to be someplace tomorrow, so if it is really windy, just drive by and make sure my can isn't blowing toward Creston.
     Life should be simpler.
     Peace out, dudes and dudettes.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

needless needles

I don't like needles

     Not the kind you knit with, or sew with, or use to tie the butt of a turkey together so the stuffing doesn't fall out.  They are all fine.
     But the kind medical people shove in your arms to give medications or take blood.
     I take some meds that may affect a vital organ, so I have to have a blood test every four months to be sure I am ok.
     I dread it.
     At my first blood draw, I may have fainted.  Suffice it to say, I had to lay down for following draws.
     I am much better now.
     I take off my glasses, look away, maybe hum a little tune and I don't look.
     It all goes fairly well.
     I also get nervous, and tend to use the bathroom a lot.
     I had blood drawn today and it went ok.  Except for me forgetting to put my glasses back on and wondering why I was going blind, I did ok.  And yes, I was already back in the waiting room when I realized I could not see stuff very clearly.
     But in addition to a routine blood test, I was supposed to leave a urine sample.
     I wish I had known that before I made three trips to the bathroom.
     I was given directions on how to properly prepare myself for the sample and how to properly pee in the cup.
     I told her we were out of luck this morning.
    She said I could take it home and do it at home.  But if I could not bring it back right away, I should put it in the refrigerator until I can.
     I want everyone I know to know this:  TD does not store urine in his refrigerator under any circumstances.
     Now, that is a sentence I never expected to write in this life.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

gonna storm

We will have a huge storm

When?  Why, whenever the super moon is scheduled to make an appearance.
It seems whenever there is a cool astronomical event it is cloudy or rainy.  We are supposed to have a super blue moon this weekend, and I guarantee it will rain.
There may not be a forecast for it, but it will.
As a digression, I heard a funny story tonight.
When I taught, I loved drinking hot water.  I had a little hot pot in the room, and when kids were at lunch, or in a special, or out of the room, I would make a pot of hot water.
Kids would ask me about my coffee or tea or hot chocolate, and I would show them the water.
Well, one child told her parents about my drinking hot water.
Seems her dad also enjoyed a cup of hot water occasionally, and he started called it Mr. Dickow's tea, and eventually TD tea.
He still drinks hot water....and he still calls it TD tea.
Funny what impressions you make in life.
I just finished a cut of TD tea.......which is filling, and warming but caffeine and sugar free.
Maybe I should market it....sugar free, TD Tea. 
I could bottle it at home, using old plastic bottles I find in the recycling bin.
I'd charge $2 a bottle.......and pretty soon I'll be looking for a penthouse in downtown Chicago.
Sugar free TD tea.....try it today.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

pity that one percent

I sometimes live on Fantasy Island

     I dream about the big house on the beach, the mansion in the woods, the Rolls Royce in the driveway......
     (I was going to use BMW, but that doesn't work anymore.)
     I admit I envy people with money.  I wish I had more money.  I  fantasize about buying whatever I want.
     I also admit, I have no idea what a hedge fund is, or what a hedge fund manager is.
     In my idiotic thinking, a hedge fund is money you put aside to trim the hedges.  And a manager is the guy who trims them.
     A new residential building is opening in downtown Chicago.  Condos.  70 of them.  Mostly sold.
     One guy bought the penthouse unit for over $27 million.  He, founded a hedge fund years ago.  I'm sure  the penthouse has great views and wonderful amenities.
     And he must have liked the location, because he also bought the entire 37th floor for $12.5 million.  And the 36th floor for $12.1 million.  And the 35th floor for $12.5 million.
     Let's see....add the ones, carry the tens, factor in a bite of chocolate pie and the total purchase price was $58.75 million.
     According to the article, he likes Chicago and the location.  Of course, he also has a full story in the Waldorf Astoria ($13 million), top two floors of the Park Tower ($21 million), the top three floors of a midtown New York condo ($200 million) and homes in Aspen, Hawaii, and Palm Beach, FL.
     I don't know what a hedge fund is.......but if I had a kid, that is where I'd steer their career starting with a lawn mowing business at age 8.
     I just hope his view won't be spoiled by any of the thousands of homeless people living on the streets below his $57 million property.
     I know I sound bitter.......but sometimes our system sucks.

Monday, January 22, 2018

eek, eeek double eeeek

Spiders don't scare me, much

Spider, spider on the wall
ain't you got no sense at all?
Can't you see that walls been plastered?
Get off of there you dirty....spider.

     See?  No fear.
     Julia had a basement storage unit at her old apartment in Switzerland.  In the fall, spiders from the vineyards would "migrate" into the building, frequently setting up house in the storage unit.
     Julia is deathly afraid of spiders.
     We were there in the fall and I volunteered to go clean out some stuff in the unit.
     She said the spiders were big.
     Pish, posh, I said and made my way to the basement, armed with a can of bug spray.
     (I know spiders are not insects....but that was the spray.)
     I turned on the light and saw the  biggest freaking spider I had ever seen in my life!  And it was not alone!
     I sprayed it and it just shook its body a couple of times.  I could feel its eyes sizing me up.
     I used a whole can of spray on two spiders.....and I think it just got them high.
     One of them made its way toward me and I squashed it with my foot.  I actually stomped as hard as I could.  Fear is a motivator.
     I think it is when they suddenly appear in my field of vision that scares me the most.
     This morning I was sweeping the kitchen floor when a huge black mass started across the room.
     I stomped on it, squishing it completely.
     Then I got a paper towel and cleaned up the blueberry Jackie had dropped.
     Like I said, spiders don't scare me much....but blueberries are another story.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

little cat feet my butt

This was not a pretty day

     Carl Sandburg got it right about the fog coming on little cat feet, but this cat didn't roll on like it did in his poem.
     What bothered me on my drive back and forth to DeKalb was the number of people who did not have lights on on their vehicles.  Nothing says safety like driving a dark car in the fog without lights.  Or driving a car with one headlight, or non working brake lights.
     I don't know if people are just that trusting in others on the road or just that oblivious to the risks inherent in driving in fog, rain, or snow during the daytime.
Put on your headlights!!!
     Watching football was no relief.  When Alshon Jeffery scored for the Eagles I flashed back to when he played for the Bears and the QB couldn't find him.  Often he was on the bench hurt, but lots of times he was on the field open.  Those were the days.
     I  barely watched football until last weekend, and I wanted to see how far the Vikings could go after the miracle in Minnesota.  But that performance wasn't repeated today, sadly. 
     On the plus side, I got my Kindle up and running,  now I have to figure out how to download books from the library.
     With my technical knowledge, that could be an all day process.
     Hopefully tomorrow will be sunny and clear, or 100 percent opposite the forecast.
     Peace to all you dudes and dudettes.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

damn computers

I just don't get these new fang led things

     Passwords are the worst.
     I have a different password for every account and website that requires a password.
     At last count, that was 1,453 different passwords, all of which I need to commit to memory so I can access a site when I need too.
     So....the importance of writing them down is paramount.
     Wednesday I tried to log into my Xfinity account because we kept getting an error message on the tv.  The directions said log into your account to troubleshoot.
     I could not remember the password. 
     So, I clicked on the forget you password link.
     I answered the security question.
     Not the correct answer.
     I had a text sent to my phone.  Waited.  Waited.  Waited.  No text.
     I had a text sent to my phone again.  Waited.  Waited.  Waited.  No text.
     So I played solitaire, did my blog, went to bed.
     I tried again Thursday.
     This time I answered the security question correctly.  At that point, I opted to reset my password.
     I typed in password 12345 and confirmed it and voila, got into my account.
(No, that is not my password.  I would never reveal my password as password 12345.  But it is easier to remember than Uncle buck &* is a funny guy.)
     Then I went to read my e mail, typed in password 12345 and got the message that it does not match my account.
     I figured it was just a matter of time for accounts to sync, so I stopped trying.
     Later in the day I tried again, same message.
     So I went back to Xfinity and changed my password again, this time to password 123456.
     Could not get my e mail through the Comcast mail, but I could get it through my Xfinity page.
     So I closed out of e mail, did some stuff, and two hours later came back to the computer and tried again........invalid password.
     Friday morning.....invalid password.
     At that point I went into my Comcast account and I think I changed the password there to passwword 123456m but to be honest I have changed so many freakin passwords I don't know!
     Friday afternoon.......e mail. 
     I don't understand it.  Isn't Xfinity Comcast? 
     I don't want to understand it.
     It's just damn frustrating.

Friday, January 19, 2018

uh ohhhh

I celebrated too much tonight

     Maybe celebrated is not the right word.  Had fondue, and ate too much.
I can feel the cheese coagulating in my belly.
     Washed it down with hot tea and cool wine....Julia would be proud of us!
     Fondue is a winter meal in Switzerland, so tonight seemed like a good night to have some.   After all, it is winter in Illinois, isn't it?
     It's hard for me to keep track.  One day we are freezing, the next day it's in the 40s.  I can see why people are sick, it is not cold enough long enough to kill germs.
     Yes we did have that stretch of 20 days where the temp never got past the teens, but it is winter in Illinois, so we should expect stretches like that.
     I am bothered by the lack of snow.
     It's all my fault.
     Three years ago I got my snowshoes re laced.....and it hasn't snowed enough to use them since.
     Yes, we got a lot in December last year, but I was in Switzerland where I could not go sledding because there was no snow!
     February is just around the corner, which means winter is on its way out.
     I must have blinked and missed it.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

I didn't know....

I love the Sunday funnies in the Tribune

     I always waited for the paper at my house in Chicago.  I read the funnies first.  I guess they are called the comics, and they are in color.
     Way back when, there was an 8 page comic section, but now it has dwindled down to 4. 
     My favorites are there, Zits, anything by Joe Martin, and Brewster Rockit.  And of course Doonesbury.  Actually, almost all of them are my favorites.
     Brewster Rockit is set in space and sometimes they mix a little knowledge in with the strip.
     For example, lately they have been commenting on an asteroid headed toward Earth.  It will pass Earth sometime in 2018.  It won't be close enough to hit us, but it will be visible.
     It's called the skull in the strip because it resembles a human skull.  Kind of eerie. 
      Last week they even gave it a scientific name.... asteroid 2015 TB145.  So of course I Googled it and....surprise!  It is a real asteroid!  And artists' conceptions, based on scientific data, give it a face that resembles a skull!
     So the comic strip, while funny, is based on an actual event.
     If you look at the Dick Tracy strip, for years he has been using an Apple watch!  He calls it a 2 way wrist radio, but Tracy has been using it since I was a kid.... and now fiction has become truth.
     If you are   bored, try checking out 2015 TB 145.....kind of spooky. 
     And no, it does not look like me.
     Now I am just waiting for a holder to pull the ball up from a kicker like Lucy does every time to poor Charlie Brown.
     Life imitates art .... or does art imitate life?
     I am not sure anymore.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


I am glad I don't live in Russia

     It was reported that the temp in some remote, northern areas of Russia dropped to -88!  Negative 88!!!!  Holy crap, that is almost 100 degrees colder that we were in Illinois!
     I know they are a hardy breed, but that is just too frigid for anyone to experience.
     I read where layers are recommended when it gets cold.  I think I would look like the Pillsbury doughboy because I would have at least 7 layers on besides my natural body fat, known to be an effective insulator against the cold.
     Heck, I have three on now and it is a relatively balmy 15 as I write this, but the wind makes it seem like it is too cold to go outside.
     Of course, I have gone through three hats in the past two weeks...... I can't seem to hold on to anything lately.
     I did read an interesting article on tinnitus today.  I probably should have had the the tinnitus topic tomorrow, Thursday, but I opted for now.
     There is a machine that has earphones and a small electrical impulse that can actually rewire your brain to block out the ever present tinnitus.
     I honestly think that is part of my sleeping problem..... I hear this constant high pitch and a sound that mimics cicadas.  I never have moments of total quiet. 
     Once in a while I will attempt to answer a phone that isn't ringing, or check a timer that isn't dinging because in my head, I can hear it plainly.
      It seems funny, and I do laugh about it.
     But I wish I could step outside at night and hear nature. 
     This new device is still in the testing stage and does not offer relief to all tinnitus suffers.  Plus, it is not permanent........ but at this point, I would love to have just a day and night of silence.
     I don't know if I have ever shared that with people.
     Now you know.
     Peace and love, dudes and make the world a better place.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

reaching out

I am very opinionated

     Please understand,  my opinions are correct.  Some people may not realize that, but trust me, I am right.
     That being said, sometimes that gets in the way of life.
     For example, if you know someone for a long time and you really don't take a shine to them, there may be a reason.  Or not.
     I have known this person for a long time.  Never got the sense of humor.  Never understood the person.
     Then we sat and talked.  Rather, they talked and I listened.   Turns out the person is caring, compassionate, and does have a good sense of humor.
     Who I heard was a completely different person than whom I saw.  I liked the person talking.
     Now I wonder about some of my other beliefs.  Am I wrong in thinking Portillo's chocolate cake is the best ever made?
     Am I wrong in thinking the Verison and US Cellular commercials are about the worst ever produced?
     Maybe the Chevy commercial where they use real people, not actors is better than what I have given it credit for.
     Is it possible bell bottoms were never cool?
     Should I like beer?
     Maybe spider solitaire isn't a drain on my energy, time and mental abilities.
     Could it be that frequently interrupted nights of sleep are really a benefit?
     Maybe Illinois has good leaders and smart people in charge?
     That may be going to far.
     Maybe it is ok to have people with dementia and bad hearing serving the man who runs the country.  And there is no i in runs, otherwise it would be ruins.
     Why reaching out?  Ahh.... the 60s.  Reach out in the darkness and you may find a friend........   Maybe it wasn't such a bad philosophy after all.

Monday, January 15, 2018

blowin in the wind

I love Bob Dylan songs

     I was a young teen in Chicago when I bought Freewheeling Bob Dylan and my father hated it.  Whenever I put it on he would mumble and complain, so naturally I played it as often, and loudly, as I could.
     I also bought Bob Dylan.  That album had him in a shearling type coat, so I immediately found a coat that looked like that.
     I was taking guitar lessons and I always envisioned I would one day be able to play like him.
     But that took practice, and practice was not a price I was willing to pay.  So I never learned, despite numerous attempts.
     I always considered him a folk singer....and when he went electric, I sort of stopped listening to the new music.  My mistake.
     But his songs....his protest songs..... ring true now, just as they did then.

Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don't criticize
What you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin'.
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'.

     I believed those words, those ideas.  I really thought my generation would make a difference....and that the old folks were holding us up.
     I know we did have an impact, but it wasn't enough.  
     Racism, poverty, and wars still exist.  There is still pollution, although the environment is much better than it was in the 50s and 60s.  Homelessness and opioid deaths are a disgrace.
     We didn't seem to be able to make enough of a difference.  And now, in our doddering old age, we don't seem to be as committed to change as we once were.
     I thought about that a lot today.  Martin Luther King's dream to create a world where all people are equal has not yet been realized.
     My hope is that young people, people like my young friend James, will be able to create that world and when they are old can look back and say, "We did good in our lives."
     With that hope, I leave you with my favorite Dylan song.....

How many roads must a man walk down
Before you call him a man?
Yes, and how many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
Yes, and how many times must the cannonballs fly
Before they're forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind

Yes, how many years can a mountain exist
Before it is washed to the sea?
Yes, and how many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free?
Yes, and how many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn't see?
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind

Yes, How many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes, and how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, and how many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind

Sunday, January 14, 2018

snow no show

Will it snow, or won't it?

     I can't seem to get a firm grip on the forecast.  We are either going to get one inch, or 5.  And it will keep on snowing until :  a, mid morning; b, noon; c, Monday night; or d, it stops.
     My bet is d.
     A friend in Minnesota posted a  weather meme that said they were going to get between 1 and 47 inches of snow.  I thought it was funny, Dan.  Thanks for sharing.
     Had a strange experience last night.
     I tend not to talk to strangers on the street.  For one reason, most of them are crazy mad.  A second reason is I never know what to say.  Try starting a conversation with an adult by saying, "Knock Knock."  That is my ability level when engaging strangers...I am done after hello.
     Any way, this guy was with three other people.  It was very cold.  They were having a cigarette break from a night of obviously more than social drinking.
     He said to me, "Do you live in Rochelle?"  I figured he was not familiar with the area and was looking for some information.
     I said yes, and he answered, "Why?"
     I did not come up with a good answer. 
    We've been here since 1971 or so.  We never intended to stay.  This was a stop for Jackie to finish school and earn her degree.  Then we would move on to newspaper/teaching jobs in a bigger town, or a different state.  We were young, and the world was our oyster.
     Funny how life works out when you are living it.
    The guy turned out to be from Rochelle, in fact I knew a couple of his family members.  We talked for about 5 minutes.  My teeth were chattering even though I was in a coat, but his antifreeze was good for 20 below....mine wasn't.
    I got to do things in Rochelle I could never have done in a big city.  I have been involved in about 30 plays, performed in an improv comedy group,  do a column in the paper, once in a while write for a local magazine.  I am not a stranger.
     I enjoy the pace of life, my kids did well in the schools here, generally we don't feel threatened walking down the street.
     All good things.
     To be honest, I do miss Chicago.  I miss the entertainment, the museums, the restaurants, the neighborhoods.
     And honestly, I spend too much of my time wondering what if.
     But that's all kind of hard to say to someone you don't know, on a freezing night.
     Next time I will have a better answer.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

wolf!! wolf!!

I apologize to the people of Hawaii

     I didn't do anything, but I am still apologizing.
     It seems residents received a text message that there was an incoming missile and that they should take shelter immediately.  There was a "This is not a drill" warning.
     I know, on the surface it is kind of funny.
    But I was a young teen during the Cuban missile crisis and nuclear war was a possibility.
     For those who were not around at the time, Russians had built some missile launch pads in Cuba.  President Kennedy said that was a no no.  To prove a point, he ordered a naval forces to stop any ships heading to Cuba and tell them to go back to Russia.
    The Russian ships were headed toward Cuba.  The Navy was on patrol.  The news every night warned of an impending showdown on the high seas. 
     In school, we were had drills....hiding under the desks and away from windows in case of an attack.
     Like I said, I was young.  I foolishly believed hiding under a cheap metal and wood desk would protect me from a nuclear device.
     Then I read Hiroshima by John Hersey and it scared the hell out of me.      Nothing can protect you from a nuclear bomb.
     The best advice I saw hanging in a gas station:

In case of nuclear attack:
Drop pants and underwear to floor.
Put head between legs.
Kiss your sweet ass goodbye

I   I think that is the best anyone could do.
    So, friends in Hawaii, I apologize for the stupidity of humans to have created such horrific devices.
     Peace to all the dudes and dudettes in the whole world.
    And good night.

Friday, January 12, 2018

growing pains

This is not a medical report

     I have to say that because those of us of a certain age always seem to talk about our health.
   Me:  Hey Marc, I haven't seen you in a long time.  How are you?
   Marc:  (Sniffles loudly, coughs three times before wheezing out an answer) Oh I'm fine.  The doctor said the lung may grow back in time and the huge abscess in my mouth is not cancer, just an STD I picked up from my girlfriend Zelda.  Sure, she may have just gotten two new hips and a new leg, but once she get out of drug rehab I am sure she will be fine.
   Me:  Good to know.
   Marc:   My gall bladder is much better since they removed it and my appendix following the fainting spell I had at the bar.  I fainted, but people thought I passed out so I was there quite a while, which caused me to have huge line across my face, which I thought was food poisoning from the three day old hard boiled eggs.
     You get my drift.
     When I was younger, all the old folks talked about were their aches and pains, medications and illnesses.  Jackie and I vowed never to be like that.
     But here we are.  Don't bother with politics, state of the economy, Blago's hair, religion or the price of tea in China, if you want to get old people talking, ask them about their health.
     Just remember.....we were young once too.  And someday, you'll be in our shoes, probably complaining about fallen arches, ingrown toenails and bunions.
     Enjoy your passes too quickly.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

like a Patsy Cline song

The world has officially gone crazy

     I proclaim it thus, so it must be.
     I am the chief crazy.  I started winter with 2 Bears knit of today, I have none.  I even bought a hat!
     I have some Swiss hats, but they are so well made they get my head too hot....and heat makes my brain go bonkers.
     I take comfort in me not being the only one nuts.
     Some examples:
     Tide is cautioning teens not to eat the soap pods just because their friends on social media tell them they are actually food.  Seriously?  America needs to teach kids how to do laundry so they don't make this mistake.
     A Republican and a Democrat in the Florida state house gave a new meaning to bipartisanship when it was revealed they were sleeping with each other. 
     An 83 year old bigot who still thinks Obama was born in Kenya (he has proof, just can't show it) and is a pardoned felon is running for the senate in Arizona and he might not be the farthest right Republican running!
     Eric Greiten, dishonorable governor of Missouri, is accused of threatening to blackmail a woman he had a consensual sexual relationship with if she disclosed the relationship.  He supposedly has pictures of her tied up to a pole that she said he threatened to publicize if she blabbed.  You may have seen this honorable, family man in Rauner commercials, thanking Madigan for all the people and jobs going to Missouri.  Wonder how close Bruce will stand next to his good friend now?  The ad has already been pulled.  And his wife said she was aware of the affair, but it happened before he became governor, so I guess it's all right because the family values mantra doesn't start until you are in office and telling other people how to live their lives.
     A 15 year old girl in Massachusetts was running a drug ring from her bedroom.  Her mother said she thought the girl was only selling pot, not all the other drugs police found.  Oh, mom, by the way....not a good idea for your daughter to have an 18 year old boy living with her in your home and dealing drugs.  I don't think she will be a mother of the year candidate.
     A guy in Florida was arrested for impersonating a Saudi Arabian prince.  This guy has been arrested several times and has racked up  thousands of dollars in hotel bills, restaurant bills, credit card bills all because people believed him when he told them he was a prince.  He even got a credit card with a $200 million credit line after he threatened the company that he would tell his father he had been denied a card! 
    Sometimes the news is full of stupid people doing and saying stupid things. 
    But I bet they all have hats.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

light in the tunnel

I found the bingo balls

     I tell you, I looked everywhere!  In the den, in the closet, in the Honda, in the trunk of the Honda, under the seat in the Honda, in the bag of bags, in the recycling mess, in the bedroom, in the closet.....they were nowhere to be found.
     On a whim, I looked in Jackie's car and there they the green bag, like I thought!
     I  never drive that car to Rotary!  But for some reason, there they were.
     And surprise, Emily, I even figured out how to make new bingo sheets without the number 65, because that ball disappeared a year ago.  I now have 3 bingo sheets, all my balls, and a relaxed frame of mind.
     I also spent an hour in the garage going through recycling.
     I sorted plastic bags to recycle, plastic bags for the zoo.  I sorted the cardboard out from the non recyclable plastic, broke up some boxes, crushed some cans and realized I can't save the world.
     Two garbage bags of Christmas wrappings are headed for the landfill because I just can't sort them anymore.  I don't think tissue paper, glittered wrapping paper or foil wrapping paper is recyclable, so they will have to be tossed.
     I've been working on the basement too, and have a huge stack of items to sell at a flea/antique market IF we have a booth. 
     I also found a whole lot of boxes for Christmas presents, including several Marshall Field boxes of various sizes.  I don't know what to do with them, but I have a feeling several will be recycled.
     When done, I had 4 plastic tubs that were empty.  I consolidated and culled.
      I found some treasures I haven't seen for a while:  Buddha, my wooden shoes purchased in Holland, a really good drawing of me that Julia did in third or fourth grade, a great scrapbook of old postcards that I don't remember ever seeing before.  And pictures.  Lots of pictures.  Albums of us when younger, albums of Julia's that she has left here, albums from my parents and boxes of slides.
     I always wanted to take the slides, scan them, and make books.  I always figured that would be a good winter project. 
     Some day.  But not tonight.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

where are they now

I seem to have lost my balls

     Bingo balls, you sick perverts! B-4, and O 69.  There you go again!
     Shame on you.
     The week before Christmas, at our last Rotary meeting before the holidays, someone won the bingo game.  (I won't explain it....takes too long.  Suffice it to say the winner splits the pot, which was about $200.  And no, I never win.)
     Since we had bingo winner, I took all the little balls and bingo sheets home so I could leisurely pick the 25 balls for the next sheet.  (I know, only 24 are needed because of the free space, but we also have an instant winner ball.)
     I put the bag of balls and the sheets in a green bag.  And then I put the green bag....who the hell knows where!
     With all the wrappings and trappings of Christmas, it could be anywhere.  I looked in the obvious spots, but did not find it.
     Maybe I left it on top of the car.  Maybe I tossed it.  Maybe it never left the restaurant where we meet.
     Whatever, I can't find them.
     Queeg lost his marbles.
     Rick lost his love.
     Hillary lost the election.
     None of those losses compare to the discomfort I feel in losing my balls.
     A long time ago I took a class with a wonderful woman named Rosemarie.  It was speech for business majors.  I was not a business major, or even a private, but I thought the class would be good for me in the long run,  because I am a fairly quiet and shy person when around people I don't know.
     Why am I bringing this up?  One topic we covered was frozen evaluations....that what you think was at one time, no longer is in the current moment, but you still keep that original evaluation.
     So, maybe it wasn't a green bag.  Maybe it wasn't even a bag. 
     Maybe I didn't drive the Honda. 
     So much to ponder.
     Hopefully I will find them tomorrow.  If I do, I will be sure to hold onto them tightly before they slip through my fingers again.

Monday, January 8, 2018

state of mind

FDR was not talking about me

     I am referring to his "the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself" line in his fireside address.
     We have plenty of things to fear, and I do!  Feral cats, raccoons and skunks in the garage, burglars, scams, natural gas leaks, excessive cell phone radiation, burglars, ceiling fans spinning wildly out of control and decapitating me during my sleep, coyotes, burglars, bears, (although not the Chicago Bears because they don't seem very threatening lately), crowds, loneliness, strangers who yell random things on street corners, people who talk to themselves, terrorists and burglars.
     Did I mention burglars?
     Here's my nightly routine.  Play on computer, do blog, play on computer, go to bed.  Before going to bed check front door, patio door, make sure garage doors are down and outside door locked, lock garage door, recheck front door, patio door, garage door.......and then brush teeth and all that personal hygiene stuff.
     Finally, it's actually getting in the bed.
     That's when the problems start.  I keep hearing noises and thinking someone is at a door or window.  Frequently I get up and recheck the doors and windows.
     It is always nothing.  Thankfully, nothing.
     Last night at 11:45, after I had finally gotten to sleep, there was a huge crash and the sound of metal hitting something.
     Corki did not stir.  Jackie did not stir.  I could not tell which of them was snoring louder.
     I got up and checked the garage.  OK.
     Security light not on on the back, so no one was there.
     Looked in the pantry to see if something fell off a shelf.  Nada.
      The house was eerily quiet except for the creaking of my knees as I walked across the wooden floors.
     Finally I got to the east wing and looked in the spare bathroom and voila!!    The damn shower curtain rod had fallen!  Again!
     Prior to Julia coming home the rod had fallen  at least three times.  I kept tightening it and putting it back up.  The whole time Julia was here it was fine.
     Then last night, 5 days after it had been last touched, it came down with a thud.
     To say I was relieved would be an understatement.
     And it would be safe to say.......gonna look for a security system.
     I think it's time.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

resolutions, seriously

I do have some New Year's resolutions

     Yes, I am aware today is the end of the first week, so one resolution will not be to stop procrastinating.
     So, what are my resolutions?

     *1 drawer a week.  I resolved to clean out one drawer, somewhere in this house, every week.  I will empty it, evaluate the contents for usefulness, and clean it.
     *Send my book to a publisher.  I have finished it, except for some edits.  I need to send it off to publishers with the hopes that someone likes it.  If not, fine.  I can accept that.  Maybe.
     *Sell the posts.  I have three posts in the basement.  They measure 2 foot by 2 foot.  They were designed to fit in our family room, but when they were delivered it became obvious you cant' have 6 foot of pillars in a 12 foot wide room.  So we had new ones built, smaller and only two of them.  But the originals are in the basement, gathering dust.  Two of them could be used to make a neat bar, you could put a light on the top of them, you could use them in your house....but they have to go.
     *Sell my old desk.  My aunt gave it to us  It's from the 1940s, has a leather inlay top and I believe it is cherry.  I have not used it in this house, and probably will never use it again.  It's a neat old desk though.
     *Sell Julia's table.  She has a Formica table, highly in demand.  I have seen then selling for 700-800 on E-bay.  She bought it her first winter home from Switzerland because she was only going to be there a year.  Well, 16 years later she gave me the OK to sell it for her.
     *Watch more movies.  Working on this. I have seen The Greatest Showman, Star Wars...The Last Jedi, Defiance and have The Post and Darkest Hour on my list for the next two weeks.
     I really need to do these things.  I hope someone reminds me to read this on March 1 and check off what has been done.  Or not done.
     Resolutions.  I hope I can actually accomplish some of them.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

it's a conspiracy

I have not won the lottery

     And there is a good reason for that.   
     Lottery officials and government operatives don't want me to win.  They know I will do too much good with the money.
     Like buying an island where no one can contact me and ask for money.  You know what I am talking about.
     The world is filled with conspiracies.
     I just read that we have already colonized Mars, but the people who did it are hiding the fact from us.  Government does not want us to know.
     Conspiracies are all around us.  We just don't recognize them.
     Not hitting the green lights?  Conspiracy.
     Not getting the great gas mileage you thought you would in your vehicle?      Conspiracy.
     Kennedy's death, Marilyn Monroe, Area 51, cars that run on water, Elvis's death....all conspiracies.
     And now the lottery. 
     They have rigged the games to not pick any of the numbers I choose!  It's a travesty!  An injustice of epic proportions!!  An outrage!
     I can say all that, cause I have no proof.  None at all.  But that doesn't mean it couldn't happen, does it?
     After all, the needles on a live Christmas tree start to fall off around Jan 5.  Another conspiracy.
     And this month we will have two full moons, both of them super moons.
That can only happen once every 3,218 years or when the government wants to mess with our minds.
     I just hope Big Brother isn't monitoring this because I know for a fact that

Friday, January 5, 2018

short and sweet

I am having a problem typing

     I have another split finger, up by the nail.  This one is on my left hand and hits the s w e x keys and who knows what else.  Hard to type.  Hurts when I hit any one of them key location.  Have to bandage it up tonight and hope it heal by day after today.
     Village put back in container.  Lionel tree taken apart.  The holiday going back to bottom level.
     Blog might not make good reading tonight.  I am not typing the four key pad I mentioned.  Vocabulary, language not good.
     Lucky thing I am not doing a book about s e x.....ouch!!
     Good night.
     Peace out dude and dudette.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

for the birds

Today was, shall I say, unusual?

     Surprising how you get used to a third person in your house, and then they leave.  The house seems a little quieter, perhaps too quiet.
     I was doing a crossword puzzle at the kitchen nook table when I heard a loud bang on the window.
    I looked out and there was a little bird on the ground next to the stairs, not moving.
     I went out and poked it with my finger, and it moved a little.
    So I did what any sane person would do:  Let the dog out and Corki ate it!
    No, just kidding.  Although I do think she would eat a bird if she caught one.
    I got a shoe box and picked up the bird and put it in the box.  I put a lid on the box.
     Then I cut a paper cup down to a half inch and put water in it and set that inside the box.  I also put some bird seed in the box, and set it all out in the garage.
     Yes, it was cold out there, but not as cold as outside.
     About 15 minutes later, I went out and the bird was surprisingly hoppy.  It must have had a headache.  I think it had been drinking water, and maybe eating some of the seed.
     Anyway, I put my hand in the box and it jumped up onto my hand and sat on my thumb!  I wish I had my camera, it was pretty cool.  (No pun, although it was about -459 in the garage.)
     After a few more minutes it decided to test its wings and flew over to the window.  So I opened the garage doors and eventually the little birdie flew the non coop.
     In other news.....  I was putting Christmas away today, and I had to wrap something.  Julia left some bubble wrap behind, so I grabbed it and went to the dining room.  Imagine my surprise when I discovered I actually grabbed the end of a about 20 feet of bubble wrap had to be rewound.

My patient

stopping buy for lunch

The place to go for poultry

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

up, up and away

Julia went back to Switzerland today

     She says she is going home, I say she is going back.  It's a matter of perspective, I think.
     Anyway, thanks to Emily and Camryn for going to the airport with me.  Emily is afraid I will get confused and lost, so she decided to come along.
     Actually, I did get lost once in the past.  I dropped people off at departures and drove to the parking lot.  But the turn for the lot is in the far left, and I could not get over there in time.
    So I ended up going out on Mannheim and then driving until I found a spot I could turn around.  Then I headed back to the parking lot.
     It only took about 20 minutes to make it back.
    Today there was no such problem.
     Julia had 3 suitcases, and when she checked in the agent asked if we all had our ticket information and passports.  His eyebrows raised up a little when she said all the bags were hers.
     What does she take back?
     Eye solution, canned soups, clothes, and things that are cheap here yet cost a fortune over there.
     She should be landing in Frankfort at about 1 a.m. our time, and Geneva about 3.
     I probably will be asleep by then.
    Anyway, here's the day, in pictures.

Yes, we did buy tickets!