Wednesday, November 1, 2017

bang, bang, thump

I had a first time experience tonight

     I went to see Stomp in Aurora.
     For those of you who don't know, Stomp is a percussion group.  Sort of.
     They use their feet, hands, plastic buckets, grocery carts, brooms, sticks and just about anything else you can imagine to create music.  Well, not music you can sing along to or hum, but music in the rhythms they create.
     Not a word is spoken.  Everything is done in pantomime or by suggestion.
     I had no idea what to expect....and I loved it.
     The energy level was amazing and so was the timing. 
     I would have loved to ask  one of the 8 cast members how much they rehearse and how they come up with the routines and instruments.  Plastic bags,  Straws.  Newspaper.  Very creative and entertaining.
     Now, I don't love  Stomp on the level Emily does.....she has seen it five times.       I remember when she was at Drake she went to see them in Des Moines.     Emily and John had an extra ticket for tonight and kindly asked me if I wanted to go.
     Actually, I had two first time experiences.
     I had never been to the Paramount Theater either.
     It was a neat place, big but not too big and great sight lines.  Of course, we were in the first row, so nothing could have blocked our view.  I would go back there again.
     Stomp at the Paramount. 
     Good times, good times.
     Thanks Emily and John for taking me!

Set for Stomp....everything gets used!

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