Monday, November 13, 2017

ho ho ho

I am thinking Christmas

     I know, it is not even Turkey Day.
     But I pulled out the garland for the front porch and tested it tonight, making sure it all works.
     I also got out extension cords and all the stuff to hold the garland in place.
     I figure this week will be a little warmer and I can put it up, just not turn it on.
     You may remember, Christmas sort of explodes at our house.  We have almost 20 boxes of decorations for trees, walls, tables, etc. and I have to haul them all up from the basement.
     I was thinking that this year, after dinner, I can get a couple of the guests to haul up a few of the heavier ones.  And move a table or two.
     It's not only the calendar that has put me in the Christmas mindset, but the cold weather, frost, snow, rain, wind, inability to get warm.......all have imparted the message that Christmas is coming. 
     And while it is just strolling to us, pretty soon it will be running headlong into our faces.
     Enough of that.
     A few pictures that say a thousand words about our weather.

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