Tuesday, November 28, 2017


We joined the spirit of giving Tuesday

     Jackie won't know until we get the Visa bill, but by then it will be too late!
I donated, or I should say we donated to two charities Emily was involved with, plus Doctors Without Borders and Chicago Tribune Charities.
     I am feeling a little guilty, however.
     We made a donation to a book replacement fund in Houston but we never made a larger donation to the hurricane recovery efforts.  Somehow that slipped past me, because I did say I was going to do that.  I know there is still a need, but which charity?  Decisions, decisions.
     If I was a millionaire, I would fund lots of charities.  But I am not, so I can't.
     The group that irritates me the most is the Rockford Rescue Mission.  We make a point of donating for the Thanksgiving meal, and sometimes the Christmas meal.  But it seems we get a solicitation every other week from them.  One time I wrote on the donation sheet, "Please send us the Thanksgiving donation request only or we may stop sending anything."  That worked for a while.
     As I write that, I think about the efforts to get a homeless shelter open in Rochelle and realize I, we, should donate to that also.  Hope I don't forget.
     On another note, I started cleaning my garage today.  Two hours later, part of it is done and the garbage pile is actually growing. 
     I decided my problem is recycling.  I have a pile of plant pots for the high school, aluminum cans for Eswood School, newspapers and other neat schtuff for the zoo, plastic bags for the bag bin at Wallyworld, and my normal two buckets for city recycling.  That all takes up a lot of space!
     I may even post a picture of the clean garage when I finish, which will hopefully be tomorrow.
     Problem is, as I work I think of other things I should do...... which now numbers six items...... so I have more work to do when I am done with work which doesn't work for me!!
     And no, I was not trying to set a world record for the number of times work was used in a sentence.
     After all, that would be too much work.

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