Friday, November 17, 2017

well, crap

I seem to have lost 24 hours

     A migraine will do that, if I had a migraine.
     I got up and finished a small painting proect and felt great.
     I read to a third grade class, (had a ball, by the way..nice kids, Mrs. P) and as I was finishing up, I felt a little woozy.  Not a lot, just a little.
     Went to the post office, then to the food drive where I dropped off a check and filled in some entry forms for contests I did not win.  (They had a guitar signed by someone.  I asked who they were, but not being a C & W fan had no clue who the performers were.  I was told they won The Voice.  I have no clue what that is either, so I entered the cooler drawing.  Moot explanation, I didn't win.)
     My head was a little fuzzy then.
     I moved on to buy Jackie some veggies and in the middle of the store, I thought, Hmmm.....I'm gonna be sick.
    Well, I never was.  Until I got home, but we will skip over that part.
     By then the room was spinning,  my head hurt, my stomach left my body, and I felt like crap.  No polite way of saying it.
     Emily came over and helped get Jackie to her meeting, stopped at the pharmacy to pick up some meds that were called in, brought Jackie home...all of which was a big help.
     I slept.  Slept all night.  Slept most of today.  Did not go to the zoo or rehab, just slept.
     Right now I feel OK, still have a headache and still a little woozy. 
     Friends, I had to be sick because I did not eat lunch or supper yesterday or breakfast today.  I don't think I have ever gone that long without food.
     Now I wonder if I will be able to sleep tonight, since I slept so much yesterday and today.
     We'll see.....just hope I feel good tomorrow.

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