Thursday, November 2, 2017

a freakin' horror show

My life is filled with odd creatures

     Corki being one of them.  She follows me everywhere.  If I go out, she wants out.  When I come in, she wants in. 
     Jackie went to bed 10 minutes ago and Corki came into the den to lay on the floor near the door.
     I love her....but she is driving me nuts!
     I still have tomatoes, which is weird.  It has been cold, but there are still a few good ones on the vines.  If anyone wants one or two or three, come get them before the next frost.
     About a month ago I noticed the leaves were disappearing.
     I discovered why.

     Yes, these are pretty cool looking caterpillars, but they are hell on a plant.     Tomato hornworms, I guess because of the red horn on their head.  Or tail, not sure.
     Those were not the only creatures I found.
     Check out my carrots!

     That is a quarter on the towel.
     The carrot on the left was gigantic, the one in the middle was a pumpkin and the one on the right was a nice size.
     Most of my carrots got shaded out by the beans and peas.  In a moment of madness, I thought planting carrots between the bean and pea rows was an efficient use of space.
     I didn't take into account that the peas and beans would shade out the carrots.  
    We did get enough to fill two one gallon bags of frozen carrots, but I wish we had more.
     Oh, I almost forgot.  This is my radish carrot.  It was about two inches long.
     And lastly, I took the patio chair cushions out of the storage box so I could put them in the garage.
     Realize, I don't know if I used the cushions at all this year, even when people did come over and we sat on the patio talking about life until all hours of the night.  We could have been sitting in comfort.
     Anyway, hornets and wasps are always a problem.  Still, I was a little surprised when I took the cushions out of the plastic bags in which I store them.

    These are nests made by mud daubers, a little black hornet that was buzzing around the house a lot.
     I found three nests on the cushions inside the plastic bag.
     Understand, sometimes I sat on the bench they were nesting.
     I am just glad I was not stung in the butt.
     The top picture reminds me of cliff dwellers out in Arizona.
     Industrious little critters, those mud daubers.

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