Monday, November 27, 2017

not again....

I like to think I am organized

     Not highly organized, just organized.  Barely.
For example:  When I sell a Rotary calendar, I write down the number of the calendar and the name of the person buying it.  I do that just in case I see a name in the paper of someone I sold a calendar to, so I can call them next year.  (Heck, I never call anyone.  An organized person would do that.)
     I also buy those composition notebooks when they are on sale for twenty five cents or half a buck.  I figure those are good for notes and lists.
     I swear I wrote the names of 12 people in one of those notebooks.  But I can't find them anywhere.
     I have found about 8 of those notebooks, which is strange because we  go through two a year, at the most.
     Why do I keep buying them?  Why do I keep losing them?  Why can't I lose the one that has a list of things I should do?  That one is always available.
     And now that I have 7 strands of new LED lights on the tree, I am thinking ... I don't like LED tree lights.  They have a strange color.  The lights are fine, but the room seems purple or blue.  (Purple Haze .... or Purple Rain.... both songs are now running through my mind along with Barney's theme song  because he was purple too.)  Maybe they will grow on me, but I doubt it.
     And the highly organized me thought buying a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving was a great way to save time and work in the Dickow kitchen.  It was, except the pie wasn't that good.  Everyone seemed to use a lot, I mean a LOT, of whipped cream on their slices.
     We had a broken ornament and I actually threw it out!  I know last year I saved the part that broke off, but I can't find it.  Probably with the damn notebook.
     So it was tossed.  That is a rarity for me.
    Ah well.....the notebook will show up sometime in March, as will the ornament piece.  And that will be far beyond time either one was useful to me.
     Such is life.

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