Wednesday, November 15, 2017


My head is reeling with numbers

      I went to the NIU football game tonight.  Thanks Dave W. for the tickets and Jimmy for driving.
     The score was 35-31 NIU, in a game played in a temperature of about 34 degrees with a 102 mile an hour wind coming out of the northwest.  I am surprised the balls didn't freeze on the field.  (For you pervs, I am talking was a game.  Get your mind out of the gutter!  You know who you are.....)
     The game was exciting.  The food was amazing.  We ate in the practice center, a buffet with a ham, potato, dressing, dessert, vegetable offering....courtesy of Dave's tickets.
     We also had access to the Coaches' Corner during the game.  This is on the upper level and was a room lined with TVs and food....chili, tacos, salad, cookies, hot chocolate, cookies, chocolate pretzels, cookies.
     I ate too much.  And I drank too much hot chocolate.  I think I am peeing chocolate.
     All the work I have been doing on the treadmill and rowing machine....out the window.
     I was cold.  I put on long underwear and that kept my legs warm but my toes were cold.  I have been home for almost 2 hours and I am still freezing.
     I may wear my long undies to bed.  Hell, I may wear my sweatshirt and socks to bed.
     I wore a pair of mismatched gloves.  I don't even know where one of them came from.  They were not warm enough.
     Found out when I got home one of my little buddies from church was a tee boy tonight.  That means he ran out to pick up the tee after a kickoff.  If I had known ahead of time, I would have yelled his name at least once.
     All in all, it was a pretty darn fun time.
     Now I am going to bed to try to warm up.
     I hope I dream of exercising...maybe that will burn off a few pounds!
     Oh, this little blog is up to 100,198 and that is the last time I mention it.  For a while.

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