Friday, November 10, 2017

hello? who is there on the line?

I am beginning to hate our phone

     In the past two days, we have had about 11 calls on our land line.  I made one,  my brother one, a friend two and the rest were, I can't think of an appropriate name to call them.
     Let's call them human waste ejector ports.
     Some of them are brazen enough to leave messages, like the guy who said he was calling in response to my request for a quote on Viagra and cialis prices.
      Really, Joe Franklin?  Seems I would remember a request for that.
     Another one wants to help with my gas bills, reducing the monthly payments I make to a more manageable level.  A third wanted to do the same with my Com Ed bills.  We don't have Com Ed, but I do have gas. 
      I reversed number looked up two others.  One was a site where other people like me, those fed up with this crap, said they caller told them their spouse had pledged to a cause but had not yet paid.  They wanted a credit card to complete the pledge.  Another had comments from people that the caller said they had an outstanding credit card balance, late payment, or owed money for some reason.
     We are on the do not call list. 
     I will report the numbers, but what I would rather do is track the suckers down and let loose an angry swarm of hornets on them. 
     The sad thing is people fall for it.  They give the number, they allow the scammers to get information and money.  Especially elderly people.
     So kids, watch your folks. 
     Get caller ID and only answer the numbers you know.  If it's someone  wants to contact you they will leave a message.
     Don't give out information.
     Register you phones on the do not call list.
     And keep an air horn handy for when you get a real person, you can give them a blast to voice your displeasure.
     Alexander Graham Bell is rolling over in his grave at the thought of people like this using his marvelous invention.
     With that, good night.  Sleep tight.  Don't let the scammers bite.

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