Wednesday, November 29, 2017


I am almost done with the garage

     I started cleaning it Tuesday.  I spent 3 hours out there then, and another 3 today.  I am almost finished.
    When I clean, it isn't just cleaning.
     I move all the patio furniture in, get the mower ready for winter, check out the snow blower and try to stack as much as I can so  cars will still fit in the garage.
     I have a corner garage sale pile.....and that's when the fun starts.
     I pulled out a chair.
     This chair:

     It's a nice chair.  Sturdy.  Solid.  It's an antique.
     It's not actually my chair.  It was Emily's, part of a really neat drop down table and four chair set.
     It wasn't actually Emily's either.  We got it when Kathy was cleaning out some of her mother's furniture.
     We ended up with the table and four chairs and a little writing desk.  Vintage furniture.
     Emily was in need of some furniture for her new house, so we passed it on to her.
     Then the tornado hit.
     Emily had two pieces of furniture left:   this chair and a coffee table.
     During the salvage operation, the chair was left at my house.
     Now it sits, alone in the garage....bereft of friends and family.  Cold.  Lonely.       Uncertain of its future.
     I don't want to toss it because it has so many memories.  Emily doesn't want it because she has no where to put it and I don't think she wants a lot of memories of that particular time in her life.
     Sort of like in Holiday Inn, when they salute the general and Bing sings, "What to you do with a general, when he stops being a general......"
     What do you do with a chair, when it stops being a set?
     Suggestions welcomed.

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