Saturday, November 4, 2017

counting down

Sometime in the next two weeks, I celebrate

     What, pray tell, am I celebrating?
     It is not the Cubs, although it was a pretty exciting season. is over, so no celebrating Sox or Cubs achievements.  Unless it is the signing of a big free agent pitcher named Jake.
     It's not the Bulls.  I confess I have not really watched them since the Jordan era, and they do seem young and exciting.  But it is not the Bulls, nor basketball.
     The Bears?   To be honest, I have not watched much football.  It is not because of the whole anthem kneeling thing.  In fact, I think when players do that they are demonstrating what makes this country great:  the ability to express yourself.  And if your boss does not like that, then I guess he has the option to fire you, but that is an insane idea.  I don't watch as much  because the Bears are a mediocre team.  I don't watch as much  because baseball was more fun to me.  And finally, I don't watch as much because I feel a little guilty.  I watched the movie Concussion.  I have seem Jim McMahon.  I have heard players talk about the toll this sport has on them.  Last year the Tribune did a profile of the '85 Super Bowl Bears now and a number of them were in nursing homes or suffering from debilitating injuries.  Yes, they are adults and are quite capable of making their own life direction decisions.  But something inside me says I am contributing to the suicides of Double D, and Junior, and others.   And I don't like that feeling.
     So I watch bits of games.  Not many, and not as much as I used to.
     When Zach Miller of the Bears darn near lost his leg due to a football play, it again gave me pause.
      Wow.  That was a digression!
     I will be celebrating the 100,000th visit to this blog. 
     I better have a good entry that day.
     Lord knows, it can't be as depressing as this!
     Time for bed.

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