Monday, November 6, 2017

it's hard

I am having trouble adjusting to the time change

     I should be in bed right now, I am so tired.
     I lost some sleep and have not been able to make it up, despite gaining an hour.
     It has clouded my thoughts.  I am thinking it is 10 when it is really 11, so I get up at 8 which is really 7 and my system is just out of sync.
     For instance, Rotary members are reading to classrooms.  I signed up to read in a class at Tilton School at 11 this morning.  When I went into a teacher's room at May School, she was surprised to see me. 
     I had the right time, but went to the wrong school.
     I even told Jackie before I left the house I was going to Tilton.  How the hell did I go to May?
     When I got back from reading I was supposed to dust the floors.  I realized about 6 that I had not done that either, although I did fall asleep at the breakfast table while doing the crossword.
     Hopefully I will get a good night of sleep tonight.
     I'm just not counting sheep on it though.

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