Sunday, November 5, 2017

really tired of it

I managed to stay blissfully unaware today

     Then Jackie brought me back to Earth with the news of the shooting in Texas.
      I watched the coverage for a few minutes, then decided I can't do this anymore.
     I can't keep watching the same stories unfold month after month after month.  Las Vegas, Sandy Hook, Orlando...the list seems endless.
     Truthfully, I am tired of it.
      I am tired of outdated laws and outdated hinking that allows weapons of mass destruction on our streets.
     I am tired of gutless lawmakers wringing their hands and passing out condolences and prayers but doing nothing to end the slaughter.
     I am tired of the same old responses.  You hear them all the time.  If people in the congregation had guns.   If guns are outlawed only outlaws would have guns.  It's a terrorist.  It's a radical left winger.  It's a radical right winger.
     My understanding is this person was dishonorably discharged from the military.  I also understand a person with a dishonorable discharge is prohibited from having guns.
    Yet, he had them.  And he used them.
     Not just a six shooter, or a one shot musket that was the weapon of death in 1789.  But a killing machine, a weapon of mass destruction.  No training is needed, just pull the trigger and spray the room.
     I believe anyone who intentionally kills a person is insane, because a sane person would not want to snuff out he life of an innocent person, or put an entire family into inconsolable grief.
     Am I glad a citizen returned fire and possibly saved lives?
     Yes, very glad.
     But no one should ever be in that situation where you have to carry a gun to protect innocent people, unless you are in the active military or a police officer.
     Our leadership is taking all sorts of steps to protect us against terrorists.
     But it is not the terrorist I fear most.  It's the rest of us that worry me.
     I think the people who wrote the Constitution are turning over in their graves with every mass shooting.  They could not have anticipated this nightmare.
     Someone said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
     Our gun laws fit that description.
      And I am just tired of it.

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