Saturday, November 18, 2017

Rip Van Tinkle

I have slept a lot the past two days

     Knock on wood, my head does not hurt.  The room is not spinning.  I don't feel terrible.
     I don't feel great, you understand.  I just don't feel terrible.
     I slept until 2 p.m. today.  I went to bed at 10.   I did get up several times to use the bathroom, but fell asleep right away.  I even had a great dream about a castle with fire spouting from the walls, and ramparts that reached high in the sky.
     Yes, I took some meds for the nausea and dizziness, and maybe that made me sleepy, but I am really tired and I have not taken anything for about 8 hours.
     To be honest, I hate to complain about my migraine.  Many of you have worse problems than a headache and you are not complaining in a blog.
     I salute you.  I am being serious here.  I don't know how people can put up with a long term medical condition.  Just two days of not feeling well drives me up a wall.
     It's hard sometimes to realize people around you are suffering, many times silently.
     When I close my eyes tonight I will say a little prayer for those of you I know face some tough medical situations.
     I know it's not much, but you are in my thoughts.
     Peace to all.

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