Thursday, November 23, 2017

like a turkey

I am stuffed

     I tried not to eat a lot, but that plan ran out with the corn casserole and potatoes and gravy. 
     I had one piece of pie, another sacrifice.
     We made an apple pie and bought a pumpkin pie.  That was actually sacrilegious in our house....we have never bought a pumpkin pie.  But  I was walking through a store and they were on sale and I thought, "This saves me a lot of work."
     We probably won't do that again.
     I am not a Black Friday shopper.  In fact, I am not much of a shopper at all until the couple of days before Christmas, when none of the items I am looking for are available.
     That's why people end up with strange gifts.  Functional, but strange.  Like fire extinguishers.  Or the right top, but the wrong size.
     The big sales were heavily advertised.  I saw one commercial where they advertised Black Friday deals on coats, shoes, a TV and ..... kitty litter.
     Now, even I know you don't give kitty litter as a Christmas present.  Birthday and anniversary, maybe, but never Christmas.
     And the people lined up at 4:30 a.m. for a shot at a new game system....never would I do that.
     There was one year, however, that we scoured northern Illinois for a Cabbage Patch Kid.  Never found one, but we had a neighbor who had a couple of them and shared one with us so our daughter would not be disappointed Christmas morning.
     True story:  My dad was hard to buy for.  In fact, he was hard to live with.  He didn't much like anything people gave him.  There were even some presents he had in his tiny closet, unopened from previous Christmases.
     He smoked Marlboroughs, (which isn't spelled correctly but I am too full to try to look it up.)  And drank Budweiser.  And loved walnuts.  .
     Back then, everyone smoked.  Even doctors.  Sure, we all knew cigarettes were bad, but we just didn't realize how bad.  Or we didn't want to know.
     Anyway, I started giving him cigarettes and walnuts for Christmas.  Diamond brand were his favorite.  Throw in a nutcracker or two, (the metal kind) and he seemed a happy man.
     Fast forward past his death, caused by cancer and heart issues related to smoking...go figure.  I went to the house to help clean out some of the areas so my mom could sell it.
     I opened a cupboard on the back porch and was buried in...... yup, walnuts. 
     I still have a hard time figuring that out.  Maybe in a previous life he was a squirrel, I don't know
     Hope you Thanksgiving was happy and you created great memories with your families. 

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