Friday, November 24, 2017

ooops....I goofed

My memory isn't as sharp as I think

     Jackie read about the Cabbage Patch doll and said, "That's not what happened."
     She then explained she ordered a doll from a large national retailer.  In those days orders were done out of a catalog.
     Anyway, she placed the order waaaaay before Christmas, like September, but the dolls became hot items and were almost impossible to find.  Ours came just a couple of days before Christmas.  She did manage to get a second one, but not from a neighbor.
     OK, I was wrong.  But it was interesting, wasn't it?
     Speaking of interesting, we went to Escape to Margaritaville in downtown Chicago today.
     First off, it is not a Buffett concert.  It is a love story featuring Buffett songs.      Basically we were a pretty well behaved crowd.
     But sometimes....well, I get "excited."
     I did fins.  Despite some stares and pokes in the side from the lady sitting  next to me on my right, I did fins.
     And the characters on stage said this was a family show, they would not use the complete phrase, amending it to "Why don't we get drunk and.......  "  But it was suggested the audience could sing the rest if they wanted to.
     So when I yelled out "Screw" a few people looked my way.
     Of course, I yelled "Salt. Salt.  Salt." And so did several others in the audience.
     Surprisingly, it was far from sold out.  The mezzanine section was almost empty and there were empty seats on the main floor too.
     The only thing missing (besides the smell of weed, alcohol, spilled beer, passed out patrons, and mad dancing by the crowd) was the iconic beach ball.
     But during the last song, out they came.  The cast threw out dozens of them.  I think some people may have been confused, but a lot of us kept batting them in the air whenever we could get one.
     Since it was a theater and seating was sloped, a lot of the balls rolled to the bottom.
     We got four.
     I liked the show, except for the zombies.....can't figure that out.  But that is a whole other issue.
    Thanks Em and John for asking and taking the old folks.

A delicious turkey!!

Missed my Buffett buddies!

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