Tuesday, November 7, 2017


I mowed.  I froze.  I thawed.

     That's right, laugh from the comfort of your warm wombs.
     I mowed today!
     50 mile an hour wind, below freezing temperatures, snow blowing in my face....but I got it done.
     OK, it wasn't a 50 mph wind, it was 37 degrees and there was no snow, but it sure was cold.
     I still have some trimming to do, then I have to collect the yard stuff....hoses, bird baths, more hoses, furniture.
     I really don't mind mowing when it is warm.  I really enjoy the erratic bouncing around on the mower  as my intestines and kidneys get rearranged, and the constant positioning of my arms so I can go in a straight line. But I don't like doing it when it is cold.
     So, here are some other things I don't like to do in the cold:

   Pick up dog doo.
   Pick up garbage after the bag rips open and leaves tissues all over the ground.
   Walk out to the compost bin.
   Cover the strawberries, although I have a feeling it will be cold by the time I do that.
   Work in the garage. 
   Carry groceries.
   Get the mail.

     I can't think of anything else right now, mainly because I am still chilled from mowing and that was 4 hours ago.
     I may never be warm again.

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