Wednesday, November 8, 2017

huff and puff

I started something new today

     When I had my stent work in August, I asked the good doc for a script for cardiac rehab.
     True, I did not have a heart attack.  But I need to lose weight and I don't do well exercising on my own.
     So today I started cardio at the local hospital.
     I walk on the treadmill, ride the stationary bike, and do the rowing machine, which hurts my arms  because I am so pathetically weak.
     The only problem is I have to be there at 8 a.m.   I don't do well at that hour.  So I am trying to go to bed earlier.
     Last  night I went to bed at 10:30 and then listened to the cuckoo tell me it was 11, then 12, and either at 12:30 or 1, I finally fell asleep. 
     I would have gone earlier, but I got involved in a Scrabble game on line.  I play against the computer and it beats me every time.
     I may take 5 minutes to lay down a word and on its turn, it takes 5 seconds for a combination that is double or triple mine.  I just don't see the words on top of words, if you know what I mean.
     Jackie is feeling better tonight.  She has been sick for a couple of days, which means I have been on the run for a couple of days. 
     I have not forgotten my calendar obligations, hopefully will get them all delivered next week.
     And I had a great time today in Coop's room reading a story to first graders.  We did a paired reading and it was a fun activity.
     I was impressed I showed up on the right day this time, and even at almost the right hour.
     Maybe exercise is helping my brain. is beyond help!
     Less than 1,000 to 100,000!!!

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