Tuesday, October 31, 2017

I don't get it

I am a little puzzled by people 

     Can you tell me why some people will believe a wild man spreading conspiracy theories on the air but won't believe the "main stream" media?
     Seriously.  Whenever a major news event happens, there seems to be some idiot who claims it didn't happen.
     For example, some of the people who were "witnesses"  (their quotation marks, not mine) to the shootings in Vegas have recently died.
     The suggestion is that these false witnesses were being killed to keep the real story hushed up. 
     The real story is some nut killed a lot of people with high powered weapons!       There is no hidden story, or some major cover up.  It was an out and out killing spree.
     These same people claim that one person could not have fired that many rounds, that one person could not have killed and injured that many people......and they show up after every event.
     The moon landing?  Never happened, it was filmed in the dessert in Arizona.
     Kennedy's death?  He survived but was kept on life supports.  Or the CIA ordered it.  Or the mob ordered it and killed Oswald to keep him quiet.
     Sandy Hook?  Staged by the ultra left to get gun control laws passed.
     Area 51?  The government has aliens and spaceships stored there after they crashed on Earth.
     There is no conspiracy to rig the news. 
     How do I know?
    Because in the age of big buck exposees, just wave a handful of dollars in someone's face and they will talk more than me in a room full of friends.
     And that's a lot of talking.
     Sorry for the rant, but it just bugs me.

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