Tuesday, November 21, 2017

tis the season

Once upon a time, a baby was born

     It's Julia's birthday tomorrow.  Or today, if you live in Switzerland.
     She was born at Columbus Hospital in Chicago, because the doctor who delivered Jackie also delivered Julia.  Even though we lived in Rochelle, we would go to Dr. Freidman's office for checkups and sometimes spend the night with my parents.
     We were playing cards when around 10 p.m. Jackie went into labor.  John, Jackie, me and Janice, a friend from Rochelle who was in Chicago studying nursing, were at the folks house, having a pretty fun night.
     Jackie had complained all night of a sore back.  At three weeks past due, this should have been a hint.
     When her water broke, we jumped into action.
     John raced a block and a half to get the car because for the first time ever there were no parking spots by the house.  But the car wouldn't start.  So he raced back to the house, told me, and that's when I remembered I had flipped a kill switch hidden under the dash.  That little switch prevented the car from being  started.  Theft prevention.
     I raced back to the car, brought it around and we took Jackie to Columbus Hospital.
     The next day, right before halftime, our little Julia came into the world.  The doc came out and said we were pretty lucky, she had shifted and was sideways but another doctor also delivering a baby knew what to do and with that he was off to Wrigley Field for the second half of the Bears game.
     John came by to visit, as did another childhood pal, Billy.  In fact, Jackie and I saw Billy twice since we got married and both times she was pregnant.
     The nurse came out and asked if I would like to see my beautiful baby.
     I said yes and she came back with a little bundle.  I looked at her and almost gagged!
     She was covered in brown because she had a bm during the delivery process.     There were huge red marks on her forehead from where they used the forceps to pull her out.  And there was a general greenish slime mixed in with the brown.
     The nurse assured me she was a beautiful baby and would look so much better cleaned up.
     Well, she did.  And she was a beautiful baby.
     It seems like yesterday. 
     For you youngin's out there:  Don't wish your life away.  It passes too quickly as it is.
    And spend as much time as you can with your kids....that is a regret I can't seem to shake.
     Happy birthday, Julia!

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