Saturday, November 11, 2017

right time, wrong day

Once again, I proved to be off

      I signed up to sell Rotary calendars on Saturday, from 1:30 to 3.
     When I got there today, the man I was relieving was surprised to see me.  He thought he was the last person of the day.
     Yesterday a fellow Rotarian texted me and said our selling point was cold.
      I thought that was nice, yet odd because I was coming Saturday.
     Turns out I signed up for Friday at 1:30.  I thought I signed up for Saturday at 1:30.
     So I was a day late.  Not a dollar short, but a day late.
     Now the text about being cold made sense in that context.
     The other weird thing is I was talking to someone about something funny and the person said, "I'll probably read about that later tonight."
     And I thought for sure I would write about it.
     But damned if I can remember what it was.  Or who it was.
     So, mystery guest.  If you remember the conversation let me know or tell it in the comments. 
     I have an upgrade to do on the computer.  Emily said all I have to do is hit the button.  What can go wrong?
    We shall see, my friends.  We shall see.
     Goodnight, and I hope I will communicate with you again.

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