Friday, November 3, 2017

I am fulfilled

I got the treat of my childhood today

     I don't know how I missed it!
     Shopping in Wally World, I ran into Kevin and Jen and darling Samantha.     Kevin mentioned a special vehicle parked on the east end of the store.  They were alerted to it by Emily.
     I did not see it.
     So when I left the store, I turned to the east and Voila!!  My childhood dream!!
     I walked up to it, got in it, and had my picture taken with it.   I even got a whistle!!
     Wooooooo hooo!!

You gotta love it!!

On board and ready to go!!
     Come on, sing it!  You know you want to!!

Oh I wish I were an Oscar Meyer wiener, that is  what I really want to be
Cause if  I were an Oscar Meyer wiener, everyone would be in love with me

     I am ten again.  For a minute or two.
     Thanks Emily and Kevin for letting us all know about the Wienermobile!!
     And thanks, Sheri, for the night of good friendship, great pizza and wonderful wine!
     This has been a good week!

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