Wednesday, September 13, 2017

I'm so tired......

This was an early day for me

    I was out of the house by 6:45!!!!  A.M.!!!  I never get up that early.
    I forgot to look at my to do list for today, so I did not wash the four windows in the family room.
    But I did:   take Jackie for a haircut; ride my bike; watch the Cubs trounce the Mets; a load of laundry; made supper; did the dishes;  polished the kitchen cabinets and sent a story to the newspaper.
    When I get started, I can actually function.
    But it is getting late, I am tired, and I have to do something tomorrow but I can't remember what.  I know it's important!  Better find my list.
    By the way, it was kind of freaky at that early hour.  It was foggy.  In some spots very foggy.  I kept expecting a vampire or werewolf to appear.  I don't like getting up early.
    Anyway, just some pictures to end the night.

Visitor to my lavender

I love the work the man did restoring this car.  I can see myself driving this one.

Traffic jam on my bike ride

A foggy day

Blackhawk at city hall

Trees are turning, but I think it is more drought than fall.

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