Wednesday, September 20, 2017

my head hurts

I seem to have a headache

     Just to be clear, it is not directly related to the two or three glasses of wine I had tonight.  The bottle was open and needed to be finished, so I finished it.
     And the headache is not directly related to my lunch today.  I broke a tooth eating a cracker.
     Yes, a cracker.  Not a hard cracker, but a solid cracker.  Split a side of an upper molar off.  I went to the dentist to have it fixed.

Do I LOOK like I am enjoying this?

     That is what I looked like in the dentist chair.  I am scared to death.  I don't like needles and I don't like drills.
     I got fixed up quite nicely.  No pain, no after affects.
     The headache is not a caffeine withdrawal, I don't think.  I did not have any caffeinated drinks after 10 a.m.  Maybe that will help me sleep.
     The headache is not from watching the Cubs.  I do that often, and never get a headache.
     But I did put on a shirt, which gave me a headache.
     As I put on the shirt, I leaned forward and smacked my head on the corner,of my dresser,  right above my right eye.  It hurts.
    It's the same dresser that Jackie cracked open her head on, which may be an omen.
     I just hope it doesn't swell.
     I have found a solution to my tooth fear.
     I will puree everything.  Hamburger, steak, fish, cheese....all into the food processor.  From now on everything will be a smoothie.
     I am not taking any more risks with my teeth.
     Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go take two aspirin and go to bed.
     If you want a Rotary daily cash give a  way calendar, let me know.  $20 and you can win up to $1,000.  Plus proceeds go to help local agencies.  I need to sell 758.  Or 10.  My head hurts and I don't remember.

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