Saturday, September 9, 2017

just wondering

I am certainly curious

Does God have Facebook?
Why is it called Twitter?
Why do singers close their eyes when they sing?
Why is it called jay-walking?
Are there more people upset with football players kneeling during the anthem or with people carrying nazi and/or confederate flags?
Why does my word processing program have so many different type faces?
Does this look different?
How about this?
Why don't sports teams lower ticket prices when the stadium is half empty, or even less?
Why are the entry ways to the tollway oasis restrooms so darn narrow?
Is Whoopi Goldberg in a Blue Cross/Blue Shield commercial?
Why can't I walk and drink hot tea at the same time?
Why didn't I notice I was wearing two left foot slippers for most of the day?
Why does the dog have to go out every time I sit down to eat?
Are you impressed that I underlined something?
Why don't we all just go to sleep.

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