Thursday, September 7, 2017

back in the saddle, again

I rode my bike today

     Now that may not seem like a big deal, but I have not ridden since around July 4.
     That was when my heart doctor's office nurse called and said there was a little blimp in my plumbing system.  And she did say I could ride my bike, just to take it easy.
     Well, old Gandolf (yes, I named my bike.  And yes, it is based on the Ring trilogy.) seemed to take a very threatening stance after that comment.  I swear, there was a skull and crossbones in the spokes and flames coming out of the handle bars.
     Take it easy.
      I'm glad I did not know I had a problem for the MS bike ride.  John and I rode 15 miles, into a 90 mph wind!  I had to pump hard just to stand still!  Carrie, being younger and more fit, rode 35 with that wind.  But I am no spring chicken, so 15 was fine.
     But it was taxing.
     Take it easy.
     Well, I had to take it easy today.  I managed 4 miles, but my butt was dragging by the time I got back home.
     I did two laps around the subdivision....not exactly Tour de France level, but it was 4 more than I had ridden over the past 5 weeks.
     It felt good.  Hopefully, Saturday will offer a good opportunity to take a longer ride.  Maybe 5 miles.  Taking it easy.
     With that, I bid you all adieu.

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