Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Peter, paul and mary

I'm not leaving on a jet plane

    But the kids are.
    I don't know why I always get so nervous when people fly.  I lay awake at night worrying.  Call me crazy, but that's how I am.
    We got to the airport 3 hours before boarding.  Plenty of time to get though the nonexistent security lines before boarding time.
    This was a late flight....10:25 or so.  Usually when Jackie and I leave, our plane takes off at 5 p.m., but we go through Zurich and they went through Copenhagen.  Everybody ends up in the same spot, Geneva.
    They had a load of luggage!  Julia orders stuff for us to schlep over, and schlep they did.  Sheets, a rug, clothes, linens, shower liner.  Of course most of the items had the image of a certain mouse on them.  I think she has the entire Disney catalog in Switzerland.
    Emily was very concerned that I knew how to get home.  I guess she remembers the last time I was unaccompanied at the airport with the directions to circle and park, but I ended up going down Mannheim to some car rental lot, where I had to make a U turn and figure out how to re-enter O'Hare.(To be honest, that is a fear of mine...that one day I will go to town and will be found in downtown Memphis, looking for my house.  Seriously.)
    I did not get lost tonight.  I made it out of the airport, down 294 onto 88 and back to Rochelle with only one stop, that to get a little supper.
    Explain to me why I have to stop three times on the way to the zoo for a bathroom break, but I had just as much liquid today and did not have to stop at all!
    The bladder is a mystery.
    Safe travels, John and Emily.  And have fun with Julia.  And Julia, have fun with your sister and send chocolate!!

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