Monday, September 18, 2017

the end is near

The world is going to end Saturday

     That's the word from a couple of people who use the Bible as a point of reference.
     They cite passages that mention oceans in a flux and the sun disappearing as signs that the world will end Saturday, Sept. 23.
     So, I guess this is goodbye.
     Their evidence is the solar eclipse, hurricanes and the impending collision with an unknown planet that is out there in space, but seems to be undiscovered.
     I guess we have never had solar eclipses coupled with hurricanes before.     Maybe it's true.
     I have a lot to do between now and Saturday.
     So do you, my friends.
     Many of you have money that will be useless after Saturday.  I suggest you send it all to me, ASAP.
     Mila, you only have until Saturday to dump Ashton and come to me.  Jackie will understand, and if she doesn't, well, she'll only be mad a couple of days.
     Tomorrow I plan on ordering several new vehicles, just because.  Porsche, MG B, maybe even a Tesla, all on a deferred payment plan.  I need to get them Wednesday so I can drive one a day until the end.
     I am not renewing my Netflix or Sirius.  Why bother?
     No sense starting War and Peace.
     I should apologize to all the people I have done wrong in life, but time is short and the list is long.  So, I'm sorry.  I am highly repentant.  I promise never to do it again.  (Feel free to share this blog with the millions of people who don't read it.  Hopefully I can reach Thea and  Mary Alice, especially.)
     I have 29 bottles of wine in the basement.  If you are not busy Friday night, we can take care of those.  This will take the sting out of occupation, won't it Mr. Rick?  Why am I channeling Sam from Casablanca?  Must be time.
      I was going to wash the cars...but, again, why bother?
     There's a lot of food in my freezer.  I don't know how much we can eat in a few days, but I'm starting with the chocolate and potato chips.  The other stuff will have to thaw and wait.
     I have always wanted to write a poem.  So here goes.

When the world finally reaches its ends
I'd like to be surrounded by all my friends
People who I like and really treasure
Ending with them would be such a pleasure

Listening to the Beatles, having some wine
But even the Stones would also  be fine
Filling the day with lots of great music
and classic movies made by John Cusack

It's been over 69 years since my birth
so if Saturday is the end of the earth
I''ll be surprised as hell to see it all go
But we will be here Sunday, that you know

Cause these people have predicted the end before
because of floods, quakes, and so much more
They are always wrong, that you can see
which is great for you and for me.

     There.  I'm done.
     Good night.  Good luck.

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