Tuesday, September 12, 2017


I think I broke my chair

     Sometimes I sleep in my recliner in the computer room.  I open the windows and snuggle in, enjoying the cool night air and sometimes the night sounds.  I do like to hear the horns of the trains, and I always think of George Bailey when he says the three best sounds in the world are the horn of a train, the ship's anchor pulling up and I don't remember the third, but I am thinking airplane.
George remembered the third.
     But I digress.
     I was trying to get comfy and I pushed back.  Then I heard a snap and the chair doesn't feel right, I can't tell why.  I don't know if it is not up all the way or what.
     Today I found a half circle under the chair, a cheap plastic part that must have snapped.
     I could turn the chair upside down and investigate, but let's see.
         Tried to change the thermostat in my first car and broke the radiator coil.
         Tried to change the thermostat in my second car and broke the radiator core.
          Clasped onto a live wire while installing a range hood.
         Almost broke my nose pulling out nails from a soffit I messed  up.
         Thought I broke the car when it would not go forward after I put on snow tires.   Turned out the emergency brake was on.
         At our very first house I bought a shower kit, then proceeded to cut it two inches short, meaning I had to get a new one. (Shower kit, not house.)
         Over tightened an outside faucet, breaking it off on the inside.
         Used 42 nails in a 2 x 4 section of drywall, wanting to make sure it was secure. (In my defense, I thought you had to nail it every four inches.  I was young.  And Dumb.)
     Those are just a few of my do it yourself projects.
     So I will either live with the chair or contact Lazy Boy, but a self repair is doubtful.
     And even if do fix it, I will probably make it so it no longer reclines.
     And that's the news in the world tonight.

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