Wednesday, September 6, 2017

wolfbane, anyone?

I do remember some stuff from my youth

Whether a man be pure at heart
and say his prayers by night
may turn into a wolf
when the wolfbane blooms
and the Autumn moon is bright
Yooooooooooowlll.  yep, yit, yooooooowllll!

     Spell checker should have a lot of fun with that.
     I use the blogspot program and the spell checker is weird.  Everytime I type learned, as I learned that in school, it tells me it is spelled wrong.  It should be learn ed.  I beg to differ.
    It also tells me prize is spelled incorrectly.  And tonight it is telling me that spelled is wrong!
    You want to screw with an old guys mind?  Invent technology that goes against the hundreds of years of learning to do things the same way.
     I can't text because the keys are too small for my suddenly gigantic fingers.  And when I flip the phone sideways to create a bigger keyboard, it will not flip.  It only flips when I go to read a message and I have it sideways.  But if I go to type, it reverts to the narrow keyboard.  Texting takes me forever.
     Tonight there is a possibility of seeing the northern lights.  I will go look, but like the meteor showers, the blood moon, the asteroid that came within two inches of earth, and the government airplanes spraying chemicals over the clouds to create monstrous storms, I don't believe it will happen.
     That being said, it is time for bed.  I may make it before 11 tonight, ending a streak of 11,459 days of staying up past 11.
     That may be an exaggeration, which could be spelled wrong.  I am no longer sure.

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