Sunday, September 17, 2017

still learning

I think I can still learn

     It isn't easy!  But I can be taught.
     For instance, I have been working on a slide show.  Have a problem getting my laptop to play it where I want to play it.
     Enter Emily and John .
     They explained all I had to do was turn on my tv, start the slide show on the computer, hit airplay and Apple TV and voila!  I can see the slide show that is playing on the computer in the den on my tv!!  And I can control the slide show with the mouse!!
      I also learned that some things are not good for me.
     After riding my bike a lot recently, (ok, a lot to me is three times) I got my weight down to 201.  That was a four pound loss.
     So this weekend I had a Starbucks, pizza, birthday cake, some great chocolate, a little wine and when I hopped on the scale today I was.......204.  :(
(Another thing I learned.   :)!  )
     I just can't stop snacking!!  A little of this, a little of that and soon I am rummaging through the pantry, looking for anything I can eat.  Sweet is tops, salty is second.  A salty sweet is a terrific combination.
     I also learned weather is funny.
     I was wearing a sweatshirt when I let the dog out tonight.  Then I talked to my friend John in Chicago and he said it was hot, humid, and very air was moving.  I was freezing. He was sweating.
    I learned the Bears are not a good football team.  Again.  Maybe I need to pick another team to watch, or maybe I'll just stop watching football until the playoffs, when I won't see the Bears anyway.
     And finally, I learned I did not win another drawing, this one in Creston.  I watched the vintage baseball team play a while and that was pretty interesting. Not like a modern baseball, but very entertaining.
     Tonight I go to bed a smarter person.  I just hope it doesn't ooze out during the night.

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