Sunday, September 10, 2017

I say, old chap

I went to a British car show today

     Unfortunately it was not in England, but it was at jolly old Harper College in the suburbs.
     It was a day to meet with long time friends, visit, have lunch, see the cars, and have a couple of cups of coffee.  Sort of.
     Every time I see a MG roadster, I wish I had one.  Just a little two seater, slung low to the ground, luggage rack on the back for those weekend trips into the country.  I would even take Jackie, although the wheelchair may pose a problem in getting it on the luggage rack.  Anyway.....
     I saw cars I did not know existed, like Hillmans and Morgans.  It was a great day.
     Lunch was good, the talk was good, the day was good.
     Now the coffee.  I had two cups.  Decaf.  The first cup went down my shirt and pants as for some reason I just dropped the cup.  That's why we don't have nice things in our house.
     The second cup was much better....didn't spill a drop!
     Here are some pictures, which I did not have to tell you because you all have above average intelligence and would have figured it out.

A Hillman

MG Limo

This has three wheels

A true mini Mini

Test drive??

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