Tuesday, September 19, 2017

a little typ0

Its important to type correctly

     If you are paying attention, you should have noticed the typo above...it's, not its.
     It used to be a rule in journalism that reporters never use the phrase not guilty in a story.  Why?  Because they could accidentally drop the not, exposing the paper to libel by saying a person was guilty when they were actually innocent.
     I have been thinking of typos in connection with Saturday.
     In case you have not been following, that is the day the world ends.  At least according to some interpreters of the Bible.
     Can you imagine what would happen if there was a typo in the story?  Imagine a community of dummies who read about the rupture, not the rapture.
     Thousands of guys would be going out and buying belts and trusses to protect against rupture. 
     All day Saturday they would sit in their lawn chairs with their legs crossed, protecting their privates. 
     No one would go near kicking horses or punters.  Or ride bikes.
     Doctors would be busy in ERs as hundreds of men came in, fearing they suffered from rupture in their sleep.
     Just some useless drivel to ponder.
     I am going to bed, right after I put on my cup.

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