Sunday, September 24, 2017

oops! me bad

I believe it is a mea culpa day

     I am sorry for spreading fake news.
     In case you missed it, the world did not end yesterday.  No whimper, no bang, no ice, no fire.  Just a normal day.  Ok, it was a little hot, but not so bad as to incinerate us alive.  Just hot enough to make us sweat.
     The guy who predicted the end of the world, using a system involving solar eclipses, earthquakes, the number 33, and the Bible, turned out to be wrong.  Who saw that coming?
     There were several stories done on him, so my question is:  Were the stories fake news?  Or, where they news of fakes?  Big difference.  The man made a statement and it was reported.  So that is real.  But his statement was fake, so the news was fake news, but real.
     Oh my gosh my head is spinning.
     And no, that is not wine.  Just fact.
     I also found out that going to "who is following me" on Facebook and deleting names is another fake news thing.  Snopes says it isn't real.  But I already deleted 12 people, who may have been real or fake.  I hope by deleting them I did them no harm.  I mean, what if Facebook works like a voodoo doll?  By deleting someone they just disappear?  Their own private rapture perhaps?
     I didn't do much today.  Read the paper.  Did the crossword.  Fell asleep in the chair on the porch.
     But in the last hour I seem to have developed some sort of itch...on my legs, arms, hands, fingers......and little bumps, like bites.
     I have done nothing different.  Ate the same foods as yesterday, wore the same types of clothes, sat on the same furniture, played with the same why am I going insane from itching?
     Think I'll pop an allergy relief pill and see if that helps.
     The only thing that is different is the Bears.  They won.  Could it be I am allergic to Bears' victories?  I mean, they happen so seldom, maybe.....
     Or maybe not.  Who can tell.
     Good night.  Sleep tight.  Don't be an itch in life.

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