Saturday, September 16, 2017

on the prairie

I went out to Nachusa Grasslands today

     This is a Nature Conservancy area over near Franklin Grove.  You may have heard about it because of the bison herd there.
     There is something like 1,500 acres and about 120 head of bison roaming the grounds.
     Each year the Nature Conservancy has a prairie day, with tours and booths to inform and interest people in the native land.
     People could tour the bison range and do walking tours.
     It was hot.
     I have not been to one of these events in several years.
     When I was teaching, long before the bison came, I would take my class out to the grasslands and hike through the prairie.   Twice I went out there in the winter and snowshoed to coyote rock, then sat and had some hot chocolate and watched the world around me.
     As I wandered around today I wondered why I never volunteered out there....every Saturday morning they use volunteers to do a variety of tasks.  It's a wonderful place.
     I also watched the Cubs win.  This is the year.  I said it last spring, I will say it again...World Series, here we come!
     We capped off the day with a celebration of Camryn's 13th birthday.  Pizza and cake ..... and wine for me (and John) ..... a great way to end the day and celebrate our granddaughter.

Some photos from the day.

Seed pod of wild indigo



also stuffed


prepping for kettle corn

another batch ready to eat

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