Thursday, September 28, 2017

Oh no, not sports again

I feel like talking sports today

     I going to start with football. 
     I am not going to dwell on football players exercising their right of free speech by kneeling during the anthem.  Personally, I am more outraged by the hatred surfacing in this country than by people peacefully protesting racist conditions.
     I am a little concerned that it may no longer be a protest but an "in" thing to do. 
     Enough of my serious side.
     How 'bout those Bears!  What a game they played tonight.  Great defense, amazing offense.  I turned it off at 28-7 because they were dominating tonight.  I just don't understand why they had on the wrong uniforms.
Ok, serious again.  I am in a mood swing mood.  Think about that.  I used to love football.  High school, college, the pros, I loved watching the action.  But I don't so much anymore.  I watched Concussion the other night, with Will Smith.  (How he did not get an Oscar I can't understand.)  I've seen Jimmy Mac.  I've read stories about members of the 85 Super Bowl team who have trouble walking, and thinking, and functioning.
     And I think of the price these guys pay for guys like me to sit on the couch and yell.
     Then I saw the Packer player get hit tonight and I just couldn't take it anymore.  Too many hurt players, too many shattered bones.  Yes, they are grown men and able to make their own decisions about the risks they take in life.  But I don't have to support those risks.
     Here's the swing!
     I am going to buy playoff tickets tomorrow.  Yes, I am.  I am convinced that I will be able to get tickets for a game at Wrigley with Washington.  It is not the conference championship, or the WS, but I can tell future generations I was there when the Cubs did the unthinkable....won it all two years in a row.
     And if anyone runs into Steve Goodman in the great beyond, tell him they still play the blues in Chicago, but the Cubs are no longer the doormat of the National League.
     I think he'd smile knowing that.
     And now, for something different.

How the hell do you make donkey salt?  Or do the donkeys just put on the salt?  Hope I can sleep thinking this one through

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