Friday, September 8, 2017

tick, tock

I took my Swiss watch into a Swiss watch repair shop

      It's a nice watch.  Julia gave it to me her first or second year in Switzerland.
     The watch ran fine for over 2 years, then the battery died.  The next battery did not last as long.
     Now they last about 6 months.
     I took it to a kiosk in a Swiss store last December.  I told him it was broken, and tried to show him what was wrong.  He kept it for two days, then returned it with a new battery at a cost of about $61.
     It is dead again.  I think.
     It stopped running about a month ago.  Five days ago I reset it to the correct time and day and voila!  It works.
     I was going to have Emily take it with her, but I found a Swiss watch repair shop in LaGrange, just a block from my Starbucks stop on the way home from the zoo.
     I took my watch there today.
     I could explain the problem in English to someone who spoke English, which made the visit a lot easier.
     But he could not explain why the watch stops, then works.
     The only way to do that was to do an overhaul.  Approximate cost?  $200.
     He suggested I watch (no pun intended) to see when the timepiece stops working.  Does it get wet?  Is it near a magnet?
     I need to pay attention to when time stands still.
     The good news is, if I have it overhauled, that includes a new battery, which has a cost of about $50.
     Maybe I'll just give it to Julia and have her take it to a dealer in Switzerland.
     In either case, it will cost me to have my watch repaired.  And I do like it.
     In the meantime, I have a Timex that seems to keep fine time.
    And yes, us older folk like a watch on our wrist.  So don't suggest going without.
     Hey, I better go to bed.  Evidently it is 3:30.

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