Saturday, September 2, 2017

50 years ago

We went to a 50th anniversary celebration today

     Fifty years was a long time ago.
     The Cubs were rebuilding, leading up to the disastrous 1969 team, which blew a late season lead over the Mets.
     Man was not yet headed for the moon, although that was our goal.
     The Bears drafted Gayle Sayers and Dick Butkus, two darn good football players.
     Thousands of young people went to San Francisco, many with flowers in their hair.
     And my friends Frank and Barb got married.
     They had a celebration tonight, and I saw people I have not seen in....well, 50 years!
     I met the sister of a friend.  That was a big surprise, because up until recently I didn't know he had a sister.  I always thought he was an only child but he is not.  I must have missed that memo while growing up.
     One of the guys from the "good ole days" is in the cinema field in California.  He hasn't changed much, I still recognized him.  And folks, that is kind of a miracle.
     Long time friends of the bride and groom and us were there....and it was great catching up with them, although we really didn't have a lot of time to talk. (Marilyn....  My nose is fine, thanks for thinking of me.  Check your fingers.)
     We grew up together, went to class together, played alley baseball and football together and warped each others minds during those formative teen years.
     And there were friends there who I still do things with, like camping and baseball games and promising to get together again soon.   With so much time on our hands, we always seem too busy to do that.
     A couple of people were supposed to come, but didn't.  And another oldy but goody could not attend.....or didn't want to.
     Good food, great cake, fine dancing, (No Beth, I did not dance.  Too much junk in my trunk, if you get the drift.) and the best part, celebrating a couple's 50 years of love.
     What a nice evening.

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