Monday, September 4, 2017

take a chance, take a chance

I like ABBA

     But that is not the topic for the day.
     I cleaned out my little paper holder on the fridge.  That's the place we put coupons, raffle tickets, lottery tickets and other neat shtuff.
     I tossed out losing tickets for the Heritage Festival 50/50 drawing.  It was only $10 worth.
     I tossed out losing tickets for the Amboy Depot Days 50/50 drawing.  The prize last year was something like $130,000....but the winner this year only got $120,000.  That is her prize.  I spent $10 there.
     Then I started looking at my lottery tickets.  I never check the numbers.  I figure if someone from Rochelle wins, then I will check.  But since I buy my tickets in town, I never check numbers.  Never.
     So today, I started checking numbers.  I hoped I would win at least a dolloar or two.  Out of the 13 Powerball games I played I had one (1) number.  That cost me $26.
     Out of the five MegaMillions I had.....zilch, zero, nada, nil.  That was $5.
     So out of the $51 I spent on lottery tickets, I won nothing.
     But for a while I did get to dream about what I would do with all my money.
     And the $51 was over a three month span, so I guess that isn't so bad.
     The rub is..... I am a pessimist!  I always look on the negative side. Yet here I am, buying lotto tickets, always expecting to win.  And I am not counting the weekly Rotary lotto, or the side of beef lotto, or the other games I have tossed money at.
    I always think I will win.
    Am I a pessimist?  Optimist? Or fool?
    I just hope I remember to get my Booster Days raffle tickets tomorrow.    Somebody has to win, and I know it will be me!
     Guess I answered my own question.

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