Saturday, September 30, 2017

call me, please

I am a phone volunteer

     When an organization has a fund raiser, I frequently volunteer to answer the phones.
     This is always an interesting experience, especially for someone with a hearing issue.
     So when Christine called, I asked her how she spelled Christine.
     "I'm not sure... my name is Dorie."
     I have no idea where I got Christine.
     Another person game me their street name.  He repeated it three times, and on the third time he said, "You know, like in Steven King."  "Oh yeah," I answered.
     I have NEVER read a Steven King book and still don't know on what street the guy lived.   I just hope the post office delivers to some number that sounds like what I thought I heard that may or may not have come from a King book.
     My landscape guy called today.  He called at home, not where I was taking donations.  He said the crew was working for a Mr. Danforth, one of my neighbors.
     I said I did not know anyone named Danforth........and I don't. 
     But I do know a neighbor that has a name that sounds very similar, although I did not realize that until I hung up. 
     I think I need a hearing aid.  Or two.
     My problem is, everyone I know who has them complains about the background  noise being amplified so much, they can't hear the person talking to them.  Which makes me wonder about a hearing aid.
     Maybe it's wax build up in my ears.  Or maybe I got a huge bug stuck in one, which is possible.  Not probable, but possible.
    Getting old is not fun. 
    But the alternative isn't either.

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