Thursday, September 14, 2017

it's true, sadly

Sometimes I wonder about the world

     A divorce case was just settled in Chicago.  The ex-wife received a $55,000 monthly payment as part of the deal.
     These two had been married for 26 years and during that time the husband built a huge empire based on treating cancer.
     They divorced a few years ago, but could not reach a financial agreement.   She had initially asked for something like $400,000 a month to maintain her life style.
     The court ordered her to receive a $6.5 million cash settlement, a $450,000 one time payment for a house, jewelry, a Porsche, and the $55,000 a month.  I know she will have to scrimp to get by, because the paper reported that after taxes, she will only get $27,000.  A month.
     Evidently treating cancer is a lucrative business.
     And then there is the government official who is a multimillionaire who asked the Air Force to fly him and his wife to their vacation spot.  In Europe.  Hiring his own jet must not have crossed his mind, but having the taxpayers foot the bill sounded like a wise choice.  He was denied use of the plane, thankfully.
     Money in the wrong hands makes me sick.  It seems a lot of rich people forget about the rest of us.
     They forget that $27,000 a month is a huge deal.
     They forget that $10,000 purses and $30,000 outfits is not what the rest of us wear.
     They forget what we go through every day.
     They forget they are not entitled just because they have money.
     With all the hunger and need in the world, I just wish they would spend their money differently.

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