Tuesday, September 26, 2017

what was that??

I think it's beginning

     Old age.  I think I may be hitting it.
     Sure, I am 69.3333.... years of age, but lately I have been feeling old.
     I can't remember things as well as I used to.
     I put the lettuce in the pantry and the scissors in the freezer.  I knew it was wrong, but I did it anyway.
     I picked the Packers and the Steelers in the local football pool. 
     I can't get up before 10 or to bed before 12.  Then I wake up several times in the night, thank you aging prostate.   (I sometimes call it prostrate....another sign?)
     I go into a room and can't remember why I am there.  Sometimes I go into a room and realize I am in the wrong room.
     If it wasn't so frustrating, it would be funny.
     I spent 10 minutes at a store looking at smoke detectors.  I was looking for a carbon monoxide detector and bought one that was not one.  I referred to carbon monoxide as CO2.
     I don't know why Kardashians exist. 
     I know there are movie stars not named Hanks or Connery or Grant or Stewart or Bogart,  but I don't know their names.
     Baseball players could be my grand kids.  Seriously.  Half the starting line up of the Cubs are under 25.   Or is it half is?  If I was born in a different time or place, Kris Bryant could be my grandson....how weird would that be!
     Time for my Metamucil cocktail, followed by some pudding to save my teeth.
     Good night, sleep tight. 

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