Thursday, September 21, 2017

life hacks

 I am bemused by the word hacks

     I keep seeing it all over the place:  Hacks to make your life better; hacks to help you organize your underwear; hacks to make you more productive.
     Who came up with that word?  What happened to hints?  Suggestions??
     We all know when you swing at something, you take a hack at it.  "Excuse me Mr. Lumberjack, can you fell that tree?"  "Step out of the way, little lady, and I'll take a hack at it."
     In baseball or golf you often hack at the ball.
    You may take a hack at solving the puzzle, moving the stone, or winning the prize.
     A writer (please don't refer to me in this sense) who isn't very good was often called a hack.
     Small saws are hacksaws.
     Cabs in the city...."Wait here, I]ll get a hack for you."
     Now it has a whole new meaning, and I don't think I like it.
     But, what the hack, there is nothing I can do about it.
     Except not use it.
     So I won't.

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