Sunday, October 1, 2017

911 or 411???

Life is darn interesting, and amusing, or is it me?

     As a parent, I understand the need to get away for awhile.  Recharge the batteries.  Appreciate the kids more by have a temporary distance. 
     But I think the Iowa woman who left her two 12 years olds in charge of a 9 year old when she went to Germany for 10 days maybe over did it.
     Yes, I know; she left a handgun on a closet shelf for their protection.  Anyone see a potential problem with that?  I don't.  12 years olds have second amendment rights too.
     I assume she left them adequate food, not just chips and cold cuts.
     Call me slow, but I still don't understand why people are mad at football players for protesting injustice  but seem to think the guys with brown uniforms, swastikas, nazi flags and assault rifles are some very nice people.
     I think I am in free form state.
    Yesterday when I was answering phones one of the other volunteers told me about her son, who died 3 years ago after a battle with leukemia.  His first round of treatments at a downtown hospital caused some financial hardship because they rented an apartment for the three months of treatments.
     The second round they stayed at Ronald McDonald House.  She said the people there were wonderful, providing meals, hair cuts, support, all for a $10 per night donation, if people  could afford it.  She said they made the inevitable a little gentler.
     Son in law John is running the Chicago marathon next week.  He is running for Ronald McDonald House.
     His link is:

     Just in case you might want to donate.  I did, and I think I will again.
     I rode my  bike tonight and it was filled with suspense, terror and relief.
     Another guy in the hood rides the same route I do, only faster and twice.
     As I rounded a corner in a wooded area he was ahead of me but going slow.      Suddenly his bike went down on the ground and he rolled over onto his back.
     I thought he was having a heart attack!
     Turns out his knee was locking, so he was just laying down to do some stretches.
     Wish he had told me that before I started mouth to mouth.
     I let Corki out into the backyard and about 40 minutes later Jackie asked if I heard a dog barking.
     I said no, telling her Corki was in the den with me, behind the chair.  A few minutes passed and she asked again.
     I looked behind the chair Corki!
     I do remember letting her out, now that I think about it.
     And I downloaded some pictures last night.  (No, not porn.  Pictures rescued from the dead computer.)   I  now have 13,693 pictures.  I think somewhere I screwed up.
     And I watched the final Cub game, at least for the regular season.  I was sad.  The 8 months of baseball have flown past.  Life is short.  And moving too quickly.  Lots of memories, and good times.
     Double sigh......and good night.

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