Thursday, June 1, 2017

uh oh.....

I normally don't get political in this blog

     I like to keep it light, whimsical, non threatening.
     But the actions taken by this president are troubling.
     He has rolled back environmental protections, social safety nets, welcomed people who physically threatened a sitting US president and now is alienating the rest of the world.
     Yes, we need to provide jobs for our residents.  But all the jobs won't help if climate change puts the world in chaos.  Leaving the Paris accord and thumbing his nose at the rest of the world by saying jobs and people here come first, is troubling.
     Climate is not just a US issue.  It is a world issue.  It will take cooperation between nations to curb the greenhouse gases that cause climate change.
     Our nation should be a leader in this cause.  We have the brightest minds, the best educational systems, the most innovative people in the world living here and our president is saying we don't want that innovation, we want to burn coal and oil and clog the atmosphere with gases that will forever change the climate of the world.
     The well being of American citizens.....and screw the rest of the world.
     That is sad.  Sad.   Sad.
     And wrong.
     History will not be kind to this president.

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