Wednesday, June 7, 2017

crazy, dude

Food has been on my mind a lot

   I tend to graze.  That is how I maintain this amazing body.
   However, I am getting a little more aware of the potential dangers of my over eating.
   Had a visit with my cardiologist this week.  This is a little one time a year session just to chat.  I met him in 2006 when he put a stent in my left descending artery.  Now I just go once a year for him to look at me and tell me what every doctor tells me:  Lose weight.  Exercise.  Don't bike alone.
   The don't bike alone sounds funny, but he is serious.  He said that when one rider is on the road that rider is more likely to be hit by a car than if there are two or more riders.
   But someone who has had a heart attack probably would be well advised to find riding partners anyway, just in case, if you know what I mean.
   I digress.
   Carbs are a problem for me.  I love pasta.  I love bread.  I love pizza.
   He gave me the name of a restaurant in Rockford that makes special pizzas.   He recommended the cauliflower crust pizza.  They take cauliflower and pound it into a pulp, put seasonings in it and use it for a pizza crust.
   He noticed my wince.
   He also suggested that when I do eat pasta, I carry a little foldable half cup measuring device.  Eat that much pasta and put the rest in a take home container.    At least I think it was half cup, but that seems pretty small.
   Then he gave me the name of another restaurant that serves french cut beans instead of pasta.  They pour the sauce over the beans and season with cheese and he said it tastes just like spaghetti.
   And today, when serving lunch in the park, a lady told me her family never eats mashed potatoes anymore.  She takes cauliflower and blends it until it resembles mashed potatoes.  Add butter and pepper and she said it was hard to tell the difference.
    What I am hoping for is a pill, one that lets me eat what I want and never gain weight.
     Now I am going to bed, dreaming of how I am going to spend my Powerball winnings.........

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