Tuesday, June 13, 2017

verrrry interesting

I went to the Chana Sale Barn today

     The place used to sell livestock.... cows, sheep, pigs.  When we first came to the area, I did a story about the place.  That was 40 years ago or so.  But no more livestock.
     I was there a few years ago, again, doing a story.
     We have gone on New Year's Day for an antique sale, Emily bought a couple of things there that have now disappeared.
     Today was hot.  There did not seem to be as much out as I remembered.
     There were at least 5 separate auctions going.  The eggs and livestock, and the fruits and veggies and maybe three other auctioneers selling the racks.
     People scout the goods, then decide where to go to bid.  It's kind of neat to watch.
     Some of the racks looked like stuff people stockpiled in their garage while planning to have a garage sale but never having the sale and deciding to get rid of it in one fell swoop.  Lesson heard.
     Two friends bought some eggs.....75 cents a dozen for brown eggs.  That seemed like a good buy.  At least I think Bob and D paid that.....the heat started to mess with my listening skills.
     As an added bonus, they gave me a letter their son wrote to me in 1984, but it never got delivered.  Reading it was pretty cool.  I will put that in my pile of pleasant memories.
     What did I see?
      Take a look.
Hedda was this gobbler's name

Selling eggs

Someone had a thing for owls

This candle holder intrigued me...but not enough to wait around

Something for everyone


I wonder who the family is and what their history would tell us

Here's an oldie

Very cool chairs

Need a basket?

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