Saturday, June 3, 2017

step by step

I actually shed some stuff this week

   None of it was weight, but hey..... life isn't perfect.
   When I mowed Friday, something did not seem right.  I kept looking and wondering what was different.
   As I was rumbling over the back yard I noticed:  The 200 feet of black plastic tubing is gone!!
   A neighbor asked me a while ago if I was going to use it and I told him to help himself to it.  But that was about a month ago and I figured he changed his mind.
   For three years I have been mowing, getting off the mower, moving over the tubing, then mowing where it had been.
   I feel relieved.
   I also had 4 LP gas tanks for my grill.  Two were mine and two were Emily and John's.  But they bought a new grill because their old one did not survive the humongous tornado, although the tank did.  Their new grill is hooked directly to a gas line, so they gave me the extra tank.
   4 tanks take up a lot of space.
   I asked at a local hardware store and the owner said the LP company will take the tanks, recondition them, and sell them to new customers.  So I took two tanks up there and left them.
   I agonized over that because I thought there must be a way for me to get some moolah out of it.  But they can't be recycled, because there is a fear remaining gases could explode.
   In the end, I figured I was not going to get rich on two tanks, so it was better to just get rid of them.
   If you are keeping track at home:  Old wine glasses, gone.  LP tanks, gone.  Black tubing, gone.  Two bags of clothes, gone.
   I do have a pretty good tent for sale.  Sleeps four adults comfortably.  And there is that treadmill for free, if my buddy CJ doesn't want it.
   Small steps, I know.  But they are steps.

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