Saturday, June 17, 2017


I have to kick an addiction

     I did once, for about five months.  Then I thought I could handle just one taste.
     That became two, then three.
     Now I can barely escape this demon.
     Spider Solitaire.  Two suits.
     I find myself with a minute to kill and I sit down to play.   20 minutes later I am still there, still losing, still hopeful.
     It happens in the morning, at lunch, usually right before I do my blog.
     But not tonight.
     I have sworn off Spider Solitaire.
     I quit in January and made it till the start of May.  But I honestly thought I was mentally strong enough to control it.  Turns out I am not.
     I bet I spend well over an hour a day playing it.
     But now I will not play at all.
     It will take willpower, something I don't have a lot of.
     But I think I can kick the habit.
     Wish me luck.

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